Chapter 17: Have You Gone CocoNuts!?!?

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POV:- Tony

"Okay, what's your name?" She looked so ashamed, she probably wouldn't be if she didn't know I was gay but what's done is done so screw it.
"Ashley." I had never seen her before, even around school.
"Well Ashley, I'm To-"
"Tony Stark. Yeah, no shit." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. But how did she know who I was if she was drunk? Did she recognize me now? But she should be really hungover. Wait!
"Were you drunk, were you?" She shook her head signalling a 'no'. It all made sense. She slept with me sober. Oh My God.
"You slept with me because of my money!?" What kind of creep does that!? "What were you expecting, me to give you money after sleeping with me!?"
"Maybe." She shrugs it off as if it's nothing but a factor. I was loosing it, WHAT A WHORE!
"GET OUT!" She jumped at my sudden outburst. I can't believe I lost my virginity and cheated on probably my only chance at real love all in one night because a bloody b!t¢h wanted money! Oh my God!! She scrambled with her clothes and ran out. Soon I heard the door shut.

I immediately reached for my phone which was on the bedside table and dialed Clint. Bruce never picks up his phone but they're most probably together sooo... Anyway, I can hear the phone ringing for what seemed like millenniums before I finally hear that oh-so-satisfying beep.
"Tony?" Clint sounds like he's barely awake, let alone out of bed. Maybe it's a bit too early for him.
"Meet me at the beach. NOW!" Excessive groans and grunts corrupt the silence after.
"Bruce wants to sleep. And so do I." Clint was never gonna give in.
"Give Bruce the phone." I hear the muffled sounds of what was probably Clint throwing his phone across the room.
"Tones, I get you wanna talk but I reall-"
"I cheated on Steve." I cut him off because I wasn't in the mood for his BS. I expecting something like a 'WHAT!!!' that could be heard in Australia but instead the line goes dead quiet. After that all I hear is 'Clint let's go' and before I could say something, the call gets cut. For some reason, Bruce sounded...angry. Why would he be angry? I didn't have time to think though because I needed to get to the beach, and fast.

POV:- Clint

"Why won't you just tell me!?" Bruce knew something and he refused to tell me, always responding with...
"It's not mine to reveal." Only this time he also added something else. "But I can guarantee a death by the end of today." Apart from that, I had no clue as to what Tony was gonna tell me. Except of course the fact that Bruce was really mad. What were my clues? Well, let's see, he was seething, literally. And also he was so mad, heat was coming off of him in waves. Like it was practically 7° out and he was wearing a fu¢k!ng T-shirt. I had four layers on and was holding all his jackets and he was wearing a T-shirt! We speed walked to the beach towards a piece of shade with a big rock in the middle and saw Tony walking towards us from the opposite direction we came. This rock is where we always hang out when we were at the beach. When Tony was within a metres distance, Bruce stormed over and slapped him straight across the face. The sound of skin hitting skin(wink wink) seemingly excited for a few miles. It was kinda awesome. I had known Bruce for some time and he was anything but violent so this was like a breath of fresh air.

But that also got me wondering what Tony did that was so bad. Bruce then calmed down and put his jackets back on while Tony had his hand on his cheek, a red mark sprawled across his face.
"That felt good." Bruce was pleased with himself and to be honest, so was I.
"Good? That was bloody brilliant!"
"I did not deserve that!" Tony looked pissed but then Bruce glared at him and he quickly changed his answer. I was curious now and honestly running out of patience.
"Can one of you tell me what Tony did?" I didn't shout because the air was already thick with, well I wouldn't say violence but along the lines of it.
"Tell him." Tony clearly didn't want to say whatever it was out loud.
"He cheated on Steve." What. Without a second though, I lunged forward and slapped him across the other side. It wasn't as hard, because Bruce's anger was building up but it was hard nonetheless. Bruce simply laughed. I don't blame him.

"Why are you guys mad? I should be mad, and I am but you don't see me slapping myself."
"We're not mad, we slapped you because you cheated on a guy you've been drooling over since kindergarten and we wanted to show you how stupid you are." Tony scowled at how true the sentence was but that's actually not the reason I was mad.
"Speak for yourself, because we may not show it in school, but Steve and I are very good friends, like because we're always lab partners and stuff. In fact we're in each other's top five friends list." It was true but I didn't want Tony to find out and bug me 24/7 so I barely talked to him in school. Of course, I told him it was because we had a reputation to uphold and shouldn't be see with me but still, Steve is a really nice guy and a really good friend.

I knew Tony might have been a bit ticked off because I had known him all that time but he had no right to be. Under these circumstances at least.
"Well, tell us what happened last night." Bruce wasn't taking any shit from Tony.
"I don't remember, I was a bit mad because you guys left, I had a lot to drink, danced with someone and the next thing I know, we were on her bike to my place." Her? That's weird.
"So it was a girl." Tony's mouth opened to say something but soon closed in the realisation he had left out that important detail.
"Yeah." It wasn't all that bad, I mean at least he didn't do it on purpose. "Also she was sober and slept with me because I was rich." Okay, that I was not expecting that. Wow, awkward. At this point, Bruce pretty much had smoke coming out of ears. Like not even theoretically, I wonder if he had a medical problem or something. But I don't think he was mad at Tony anymore. I mean it wasn't his fault, but then again we did tell him not to go to that party be fair. You know what I'm willing to forgive him, I'll call it a 50-50 things he did wrong and let it go but Bruce was not on the same page.

Then, something really weird happened. Like I mean really weird. Like worse that Strange. Heh, pun. Oh my God, I'm laughing at my own puns, who have I become!? Oh right the weird thing, Bruce decided to put on a little show, you know roleplay. He found a coconut, pretty battered but still in shape. Then he placed it on the ground. Then he pulled out a post-it from his jacket and jotted something down.
"You just have those with you at all times?" Bruce quickly shut him up with a death glare. He stuck a post-it on the coconut reading 'TONY'. But I'm sure he was really tempted to draw a knife next to it. Anyway...then he started.
"I'm Steve." He then stepped up to the coconut and bent down. "I forgive you Tony, I hope you succeed in all your future endeavours." Then he got up and walked away. I was confused because I though he would do something like rip it apart. "That was Scene 1, now for 2. I'm Clint, Nat, Thor Bucky, Sam and myself." Ooh, things were gonna be fun. He then slowly stepped up to the coconut sporting a forced innocent smile, like the one Chucky gives his victims before killing them. Then, he stomped it, like full on. In fact, it was so much so that it flattened! A coconut shell, solid one that too, flattened! Who the hell knew Bruce was strong!? But he wasn't done, he picked it up and threw it repeatedly against a palm tree bark until it finally split. I'm pretty sure he was taking out all the anger on this because he didn't wanna hurt Tony. Then he threw them in the direction of the ocean, but because he was terrible at throwing, they only went a few feet. Until I picked the halves up and ripped 'em into quarters and threw them into the ocean myself.

What an eventful day!

'Ello! I have just realised I actually went somewhere with this story. I'm impressed, I actually thought that I would be too lazy and would've given up. Oh My God, I'm maturing. I have to admit, it's a weird feeling. Also, if you're wondering, I don't know if you are, but I am going to do about 25 chapters including the trip and exams so I can't give an actual number, might be less or more. And then I might either do a sequel on the holidays or the next year aka the last year of highschool. Hey, I just realised if I do a book on the holidays, I'd be following the setting of High School Musical. But anyway, I have my heart set on a sequel but it won't come directly after this so, just whatever. K, enjoy!

ALSO, I HAVE A WINNER WHO IS THE ONE AND ONLY, THE AWESOME INTELLIGENT POWER OF –drumroll please– nianaik03 who guessed Hannah Montana in the title. The 'Bucky's Wild Ride' parallels to 'Hannah's Wild Ride' which was the newspaper headlines after she jumped on paparazzi. But also akx1357 guessed F.R.I.E.N.D.S. which I'm surprised no one guessed because I include a lot of their references. Steve's story about Bucky is basically the same as Chandler's story about Ross.

So kinda 50/50.

Word Count:- 1756

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