Chapter 26: 007

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POV:- Wanda

"So today, we are headed to the Vatican Museums for the day because they are really big and we must cover it entirely, tomorrow, we are going to St. Peter's Basilica and some Chapel."

"You mean the Sistine Chapel?" Tony interjected, rolling his eyes. 

"Yeah that. And on day three, we get a free day to roam with your friends. With a curfew of course."

"WHAT?!" Tony again, what a surprise. "We're not going to see the Colosseum?! What is the point of coming to Rome?!"

"Calm down, Mr. Stark. There weren't any hotels available in our budget near the Colosseum." I didn't actually have any preferences when it came to the sightseeing, I had never been to these parts of Europe, just being here was good enough. Plus, I had Vincent with me as a bonus. I still can't believe Principal Fury let him come on a trip when he had joined like two weeks ago. "Okay everyone, hit the bus." As we got on the bus, to put it simply, it was hot. It felt like it was 25 degrees out. The bus acted like a huge metal oven chamber thing and cooked us alive. It wasn't a very long ride, in fact we could've walked there in like twenty minutes. 

The Vatican Museums were.....nice. In a conservative sense. Also, it was big, with a buttload of walking, like really a lot of walking. There were hallways, spiral staircases, normal staircases and God knows what. And everyone was acting all lovey-dovey while Vincent and I were a little awkward. We almost had nothing in common. We didn't like the same food, music, clothes, art, anything. All we did was walk around, looking around, hoping someone would intervene which I knew wasn't going to happen since I specifically lectured Natasha not to disturb us after she chose me as a roommate. The one time she chooses to listen to me and this happens. This is a life lesson: don't ever give Natasha Romanoff orders, no good can come of it. 


"Pietro, stop!" I looked back to see Pietro running toward with a three year old smile on his face and a rather pissed Clint chasing him, trying to stop him presumably to prevent him ruining my time, but I really wished he didn't catch up. It occurred to me then how far behind the couple had been and honestly the split second image of an angry Clint chasing Pietro was priceless. Thankfully, Pietro had a head start.

"Wanda, the new Bond movie is out!" Ever since we were children, James Bond movies have played a huge role in our lives. I mean badass guys, with guns and weapons and always get the girl. Imean, what's not to like. What was even better was his movies came on cable. 

"OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod!" The two of us obviously started jumping up and down on the spot. By then Clint had caught up and smiled apologetically. I told it was fine.

"Wait, you like Bond?" Vis spoke up from beside me, I kind of forgot he was theut no one would know. 


"Shhhh." The security guard placed closest to us hushed us. 

"Me too!" Vis whisper screamed. Excitement bubbled in me as I imagined the two of us having a Bond marathon, cuddled up in blankets on a bed, the smell of popcorn wafting from the multiple bowls placed around us. 


POV:- Natasha

I felt a hand, I responded quickly by grabbing it and twisting is quickly and turning around. It was Victor or whatever. I then looked behind him to see Wanda walking with Clint and Pietro. 

"What do you want?" I did my signature eye roll before asking. I had never spoken to him before or even seen him up close and I gotta say, no idea what Wanda sees in this guy. 

"It's Wanda, something's wrong." That got my attention. I eased my defensive pose and urged him to continue.

"She thinks James Bond is real." I looked away in confusion. I just stood while he stood there awkwardly, trying to find a comfortable position for his creepily long arms. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my cheek, trying to concentrate on anything else but the piece of information I just got. I was trying to process the information by ignoring it. How smart. It didn't seem very serious and I might have been exaggerating but this was like believing Santa Claus, but my mind went to the point where we would have to break it to her. Talk about bad parenting. To add to this, Clint came running to us as well.

"Guys, I have huge news. You'll never guess what Pietro just said to me." 

"James Bond is real?" His mouth hung half open, like wider than a gape but less than a jaw-drop. "Wanda told Vernon here the same thing."

"It's actually Vincent."

"Not the time, Vincenzo! Now Clint, do you think Pietro believes it or knows the truth and is shielding her from it."

"Oh he definitely believes it." The three of us began walking through together, keeping a constant eye to make sure neither of the twing hear us. We decided to take them to the movie on our free day and maybe break it to them there. We neared the exit of the museum and it was almost evening; we entered at noon. 

Who knew Rome could be so boring?!

Hey guysssss!!!!! Sorry about the title, I was blanking and I couldn't think of anything better. Also, so sorry if the ish isn't accurate, I haven't been to Amsterdam or Rome and I was going to use the locations from Spiderman: Far From Home but I thought it would be too cliche and also I didn't know what anyone would do in Prague, at least Rome, I have a general knowledge. Hope you like the new writing style. These parts of the book have less drama but of course with the cheating incident, a storm is coming. Or maybe not because it's no secret Steve is my favourite and I believe he could do no wrong but whatevs. ENJOY! Next chapter out soon!

Word Count:- 1040

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