Chapter 12: First Kisses and Going Back for Seconds.

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POV:- Tony

It was perfect. When I ran up to him, I didn't expect him to open his arms and spin me around but it happened. That itself was like a dream, but in reality. I was so taken up by what had just happened, I kissed him. That's really the only explanation I can give. I can't explain what urged my body to do it. But boy oh boy, am I glad I did. If getting picked up by him was a dream in reality, getting kissed by him? Not even heaven itself could comprehend for how I felt. The fact that he kissed back still astonishes me. I mean its only been a few seconds but still. And that's why when he started pulling, I didn't want him to so I didn't let him. I put my hand on the back of his head a pulled him in closer. But obviously he was stronger than me, so he pulled away anyway. Thankfully, he didn't look upset. At all. Instead he showed me that amazing smile of his. You would think having kissed him, that his smile wouldn't phase anymore but boy, it still gave me shivers.

"You're a really good kisser." I would say not so bad yourself but he was way better than me so that would be a huge understatement.
"Me!? Have you kissed you!?" That was dumb, why did I say that. But, he found it funny and then I heard him laugh. It was more of a chuckle but I'll take any kind of laugh I can get.
"Wanna go to the after party with me?" That's when I realized we weren't the only people in the world and saw that everyone, well except our gang, had left for the after party. I had no idea who's house it was at but I'm sure it would be great.
"Yes please." He chuckled again and my neediness. I loved hearing him laugh. So much. We walked, hand in hand to where Nat and Wanda were.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Nat was so smug. But I didn't mind, I thought my month was made when he smiled and now, I might be set for life. Hell, maybe even the afterlife. Who knows, maybe for my reincarnated life!
"Like two minutes." Steve answered because I think he knew I would say something sarcastic.
"And they've been the best two minutes of my life." But I wasn't in the mood for sarcasm. Even Nat was surprised. Everyone else had already left, leaving only the six of us standing in the bleachers. The sky was a dark blue dotted with stars.
"What's up with Clint and Pietro?" I didn't want to sound nosy but I thought they hated each other. So this was out of the ordinary.
"Clint agreed to listen to what he has to say." As usual Nat knew everything.

We thought they should have some alone time. Talk out what needed to be. So we went to the car and waited. What we didn't expect is to see Bruce already sitting there in the passengers seat and surprisingly enough, he was dancing. Well, the most dancing you can do while in a car. But it was surprising because I don't think he has been this happy since the Thor incident and I'm really happy for him.

POV:- Clint

I was here, waiting in the bleachers at the very top. Waiting for Pietro to come and try to talk. Earlier, when he asked me to talk to him, it wasn't his usual behaviour. He didn't yank me by the arm or anything. He spoke quietly and softly. His face gave of a vibe of something I've never seen in his face before. It was.....desperation. It wasn't a good colour on him. That's why I agreed to talk to him. He seemed truly desperate and truly sorry and accepting. Of course I do hope he has a good reason for what he did. And I might even consider taking him back if that is an option. Okay, I definitely will, nit in a needy way but I am not over him. Far from it! That's when I saw him. He was walking up because I was at the top watching the stars. It calmed me.

"Its cold up here. Sure you don't wanna go down?" I felt immune to weather when I was watching the sky. It just took me away.
"Yeah. I really love the sky." I wanted to get straight into the conversation. I was too eager to wait. "Now, what is it?" I couldn't wait another second.
"Okay. The reason I did what I did is-" Ouch! What the hell!? Someone had thrown something at my back. I turn around and see none other than Johnny Storm. I had no patience to reason with him. I took the pebble he hit me with and was about to throw it when obviously, Nat cam out of nowhere and tackled him to the ground. I'm always in debt to her.
"Sorry, you were saying?" And he continued. Finally the thing I've been waiting here the entire game.
"Well, okay. First things, first. My Dad has never liked me, Wanda was always his favorite. And on top of that, he is kind of a homophobe. Mostly because if me but still. So if you mix the two together, you don't really get a good product." Oh My God, I never thought about his parents!

How could I be so stupid!? How had this never occured to me before!? He must be going through so much! Great! Now I feel terrible!! On top of that, I had no idea what to say. So I didn't. Instead, I kissed him. I didn't know if it was right or wrong, I just did it. And it was all good until he started kissing back. That happened once and I was not going to let him put me through that again. So reluctantly, very reluctantly I pulled away.
"I'm sorry, I just had to know. You told me what happens, but did you fix it?" I just realized I had kissed him out of pity, well lust too but still. He hadn't told me how he would rectify the problem with his Dad.
"Well, I told him and of course he wasn't happy but he had no choice but to accept it." Oh thank God, I can kiss him without guilt. Not that I need a reason to kiss him but its better this way. "I do have one request..." And now he's probably gonna ruin it, "... don't mention any of this to Wanda, especially my Dad." Okay? I would ask why he didn't want her to know but I think what he told me is enough for today.

Here is the second half. I would have put it in one but I thought making two chapters out of it would be better and build a teensy bit of suspense so I did this. Well, I have nothing left to say like absolutely nothing, except, see you at the after party!!!

Word Count:- 1200

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