Chapter 14: StoryTime.

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POV:- Natasha

This is the first time I've had a sleepover with anyone. You know except Clint and occasionally Bruce but apart from that, never. I've never really had friends who were girls, I don't know it just never suited me. And to be fair, even if I did I definitely wouldn't be the type to have sleepovers and pillow fights and all that jazz. It just isn't my thing. I was never 'that type' of girl and now, I'm proud to say I never will be. Plus those girls' screams could shatter chandeliers. I'm happy with the friends I have - Clint mostly. Okay now that I think of it, Clint does do all those things sometimes.
"So, whaddaya guys wanna do first?" There was a little bit of tension or rather awkwardness. So I figures I might as well break the ice.
"Pillow fi-" I was gonna kill Clint because he was doing it on purpose cause he knew I hated them. So I didn't even let him finish. It didn't surprise him, obviously.
"NO. Now shut up or I'll do it for you." I wasn't joking and he knew me well enough to know that.

In the end, with no more suggestions for games except Truth or Dare which did not end well last time, we just decided to tell stories. Not haunted ones or anything, just stories. I thought it was a good idea and it would give me a good chance to expose Clint. Ah, fifth grade science project. Those were good times. This is gonna be fun. This is payback for every single time he ruined me which is a lot. I wanna to expose him and I wanna see him crumble as I do.
"I'll go first." It was aimed directly at Clint. A small smirk grasped my lips as I began to slowly start my descent into Clint's everlasting shame. He should be glad the entire gang isn't here. I watched smugly as the former smile on his face began to slowly faded away leaving a fearful expression etched onto his demeanor as I kicked off.

"Fifth grade science project." The funny part was he couldn't do anything because he knows I could easily take him. So all he can do is sit and let the rage bubble inside him.
"Clint thought it was an oh-so-amazing idea to create a disposal unit because obviously toilets weren't good enough for him." At this point everyone pretty much knew where this was going. But nonetheless, it was still just as fun.
"I need to use the toi-" He was on the verge of getting up but he knows me, I'm gonna make him sit here for his inevitable doom.
"SIT!" And just like that, he plops himself back down. I'd like to think in a few months, I would have the entire school at the tip of my finger. Anyway....
"Of course, Clint isn't exactly a rocket scientist and well there was a system malfunction, wasn't there Clint? What was it exactly?" All eyes fell on Clint who had knees pulled up to his chest and his head buried in between. He slowly looked up, finally processing what I had said and giving me a–unnoticed by everyone else–death glare. Which I politely responded to with an innocent smile.

"The uh- contents if the contraption, i guess wouldn't- uh wouldn't, didn't go down." So much fun. Wow, so great. I love today. Why is there hate in the world, why can't we all bond over how stupid Clint is? After a lot of gasps and giggles, I continued.
"Yeah, and better yet, Clint advised against my idea of using chocolate mousse. Oh wait no, he ate it so we couldn't use it." So dumb, what were the heavens thinking when they made this prat my best friend.
"So, we were forced to use Barney's...excreta." Eyes widened in either surprise or confusion which Clint was so polite as to clear up.
"My dog." That's when Steve lost it. He was on his back hand on chest. It was quite amusing in itself. I was surprised Bruce wasn't laughing, he must've known but you could tell the recollection was hilarious.
"So, because of something I like to call perfect timing, when the teachers came over, the contraption incidentally, "hurled" the contents onto Clint and emptied itself all over his pretty little face." Laughter came like clockwork. Sure Steve's distinct one could be heard over it all. Boy I wish I had a night with him before Tony got a hold of him. That would have been a good evening. Eh, I'll probably be over it by tomorrow.

"Okay, who's next." Nothing could bring me down. Pietro is to Clint like insulting Clint is to me. True dat. Even though, I was excited to see what everyone else had in store.
"I guess I could go." Wanda finally calms herself for long enough to mutter out. I hope its something good like childhood stories of Pietro or something. Oh it's gonna be so embarrassing. And they can't even get back at me.
"Okay." Here comes the good stuff!!

POV:- Steve

Wanda was just about to tell a story. Nat's one about Clint was gold, pure gold. It totally got Tony and whatever he could be doing off my mind...until of course I just thought him by thinking about not thinking about him just now. Okay, he's fine. He's safe. He's used to these kind of things, right? He parties a lot so he's got it under control. He's used to the atmosphere. And I totally trust him about keeping it in his pants. He may be bi but after what Clint told me, he really likes me so hopefully he would be sensible enough to not do anything. Maybe. Ish?
~Time Skip to Next Morning~

POV:- Tony

Ugh, headache much? That was a crazy party. Talk about your deadly hangover. Where am I? Oh right my room. Wow! I was responsible enough to come home. This is sick. Oh and my dog's here! Okay, so I gotta get a shower and bacon. Now.

Wait, I don't have a dog.

"Hey sex machine."


Okay, plot twist. Wait to see in the next chapter. I will be doing this from the party point of view so you know exactly what happened. I know a lot of people don't like Tony portrayed as a cheater but I'll rectify it in the next chapter. PS. I'm gonna post the chapter later just to build suspense so enjoy!!!

Word Count:- 1108

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