Shak Ti: the one that won't get me in jail

Aayla: that's a truth then

Barriss: well either could get you in jail
I mean, what if you committed a murder, and then you were playing truth or dare and then you would have to tell the truth if they asked you if you murdered someone


Ahsoka: I have some serious doubts about you

Padme: huh, I'll try that next time I go to court

Adi Galada: um, Shak Ti, is it true that you hid a stash of oreos under the bean bag at the jedi temple?

Shak Ti: did you know?

Adi Galada: because I smooshed them when I say down

Aayla: 🙈🙈🙈

Satine: sounds like a mess

Adi Galada: yeah, and the worst part was, Anakin took the vaccum for his man cave

Ahsoka: lol. A broom isn't nearly as fast

Shak Ti: now it is my turn. Barriss, is is true that you threw a cantaloupe at an ugknot?

Aayla: whatttt

Barriss: well...yes.

Satine: why?

Barriss: there's a very logical explanation to it all. You see, I was at my fruit stand selling fruit, and then this whole band of Ugknots come along, and they start eating all the fruits like pigs!

Adi Galada: well in a way they are pigs.

Barriss: well in a way, you're a fish!

Adi Galada: -facepalm- not what I meant

Barriss: so I tried shewing them away, and then I ended up throwing cantaloupes on them. It worked though

Satine: wow

Shak Ti: huh, I wondered if those rumors were true...

Ahsoka: probably only partly.

Padme: yeah, rumors are sometimes crazy. I heard a rumor that Palpatine was actually a sith lord. Can you believe that?

Barriss: I'm a sith lord

Ahsoka: wait what?

Barriss: nothing. My turn now! Padme, truth or dare?

Padme: uh, let's spice things up! Dare!

Barriss: I dare you to text Anakin that his Man Cave is better than your Babe Cave

Padme: 😐😐😐

Satine: she's not going to like this

Padme: !!!! Fine!

On another chat...

Padme: Anakin, the truth is, your man cave is just better than my babe cave ever will be

Anakin: oh, I'm so glad you agree. I mean, it really is, isn't it?

Padme: No, you idiot. This was a dare. My Babe Cave is 100000000 times better than your garbage garage

Anakin: !!! But it's a house not a garage

Padme: I did it! Now my turn, Satine, truth or dare?

Satine: I have this terrible feeling that the truth or dare is going to have something to do with Obi Wan

Aayla: I was thinking that too

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