Part 32

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"where is she!" I demand my father through the pack link.

"if you had listened to me an hour ago you would know she has been moved to a secure guest suite on the fifth floor." my father growls back.

I don't waste time I rush to the new location just to find my father waving the doctor off who grumbles while traveling down the hall in the opposite direction to me.

"I don't want to talk to you, let me through," I grumble.

"son I have a plan to help her if you will listen" he says blocking my path.

"make it quick." I snap back.

"you have to be cold with her. Tests your bond see if she can feel your emotions, see how you truly feel instead of what you display," he says in his negotiation voice he uses with other alphas.

"Why the hell would I do that?" I ask perplexed

"because we need to know how far gone she is or if the bond can get through to her, sunlight does not hurt her so there is hope but I put on safety blinds just in case, and the glass in enchanted too so no one outside can see her." my father says.

To be honest I hate to admit it but the old man had a point.

"wait, won't it hurt my wolf to be so cold to my mate?" I ask.

"It will hurt more to not try anything son." I suppose he still has a point so I nod and push past him. To my abject horror though I walk into the room to see her stood completely naked with blood running down her arm.

"what the fuck?" I grasp but it sounds more angry than concerned.

"oh, James!" She screeches and throws herself into me smiling, when I don't return the hug and believe me I had to fight the instinct she moves away a little and mumbles.

"oh right, blood, I wanted a shower but the I.V slipped out, can you help me?" she asks with big eyes. She smells like soap and clean skin but then again I don't know if that means she just wants to wash away the tests the doctor had just done but anyway she was staring at me for an answer.

"shit, yeah!" I say quickly, I look around but don't instantly see anything to clean the wound so instinctively my wolf does the work and takes over and I step forward holding her wrist up and lick the blood from her hand all the way up to the wound in the crook of her elbow, I say wound but it was already healed. I look up to see her eyes wide pupils blown huge. Shit her blood tastes like a human but it could be dangerous not to mention right now I am extremely aroused which due to my nakedness was very visible.

"dad will her blood harm me? I may have accidentally cleaned the blood from her skin with my tongue." I grovel

"doctor cleared her blood an hour ago but so much for acting cold."

he half grumbles half laughs.

"well I hope these cameras turn off," I growl back as I slam my lips onto hers, she melts into my arms and I can't help but groan and grind my erection against her before pushing her back to her bed and laying her down.

Her moan is breathily deepening the kiss and that's all the invitation needed to slam hard into her, moans, pants and the slapping of our flesh is all that fills the air for a while after that and even I am shocked by the stamina a time apart apparently gave me, aside from the occasional cuss word no conversation occurs between us and for a while it is as though the lost time never happened though and too soon I feel the pressure building and bite my own forearm so I don't bite her since we don't know if her blood is safe and biting her might be an invite for her to bite me and wolf blood is poison to fangers, not to mention I don't know what effect a bite would have on her current affliction. All too soon we erupt together and lie there in bed a sweaty bundle on the bed collectively catching our breath. Rather to my surprise my wolf was completely content to sleep beside her despite the potential danger which I would have been perplexed by had It not been for her nuzzling into my chest and laying her head on my beating heart with no clear intention to bite me.

My wolf knew she was not a threat to me which means my mate is still in there somewhere.

Quite happily we both drift to sleep however fleeting it may be.

I awake to a doctor coming to run more tests on her, a wolf I did not know the name of walked in behind carrying equipment. I am initially surprised by the lack of concern considering a stranger was attempting to draw her blood but I realized quickly it was because she was still laid on me and I was not concerned in the slightest, after all, if your mate can't keep you safe who can? Her blood is taken and a few other basic tests are also done without her moving from my arms all in all this test was going fine this was until the wolf I did now know reach over with a handheld ultrasound machine covered in gel and press it against her abdomen, my heart skips a beat for a second holding my breath a part of me hoping by some magic my child would be in there but I didn't get chance to find out because clearly Jazz had heard the skip in my heart and all hell breaks loose like a scene from a horror movie because before I can react jasmine has got out of bed, threw the wolf across the room and tore their throat out. I sit there for a second numb as she turns around with glowing eyes and very sharp fangs blood smeared all over her bare body and to my horror she smiles and tries to get back in bed with me.

"what the fuck?" I gasp jumping away from her, she shakes her head her eyes clearing and fangs retracting while she gives me an innocent look of confusion, by now reacting to the chaos the guards from outside start flooding into the room and taking in the scene before them, the doctor tries to defuse the situation but a few of the guards are looking decidedly pale, one of them even green.

"What happened here?" one of them demands.

"jasmine ignores them sitting on the bed.

"she freaked out," I answer staring at her, I was not scared of her because I know I was the last person she would attack and I'm pretty sure it was my reaction that caused her to attack. She scowls at me.

"I didn't do anything will you please get back in bed with me?" not wanting to point out the obvious I gesture at the blood all over her which is now soaking into the white bed linen. I make a split-second decision.

"all guards out now! Jasmine I will lay in bed if you let the doctor finish the exam ok?" I try to make my voice to the guards make my point clear but my voice to Jazz soft and loving.

"ok." she nods and lays in bed, the doctor looked calm in spite of recent events as I lay next to her and the doctor goes on with the exam.

"still no reproductive system, however, her other organs still seem to be in full working order, and her ability to digest human food is still intact." the doctor says packing his equipment.

"Son, we need to talk." my father's voice demands through pack link as the doctor leaves and our pack enchantress cleans the mess from her attack. Before shuffling out of the room, the only sign something has happened is the blood all over jasmine.

"I need to go do a few things, you go get cleaned up in the shower and I will see you later ok?" I say in a soothing voice again. She nods with a smile and moves towards the bathroom.

I demand clothes are brought to me from the guards outside and I demand they supply Jasmine with a collection of clothes because I was not happy my mate was bare to the eyes of everyone, even though nudity was something wolves were used to I couldn't help being jealous that others were enjoying her.

After getting dressed I check in on jasmine who is happily singing in the shower so I steel myself for the conversation I am sure I will not enjoy with my father, I quickly pass on events to tom who seems as concerned as I am, I guess he really took a liking to her although I feel as though there is something he's not telling me but I trust him and know there will be a good reason for it.

I take a deep breath and step out of the room before marching my way to my father's office. 

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