Part 10

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finally after what felt like about 5 hours of staring at the walls of the living room james walked back in.
"come on jazz lets......."
before he got a chance to finish his sentence his mum walked in.
"actually James your father prepared for this and the young bloods are locked in holding so would it be ok if the two of you stayed for a meal?" Betty said hopefully directing her question to Jazz.
"well urm i dont know i mean i need to go home and shower and change." jazz said still embarrassed at her blood covered legs being on show, she was just lucky that james's shirt was long enough to cover her thighs.
"oh nonsence you can shower here. And besides there are alot of wolves living here so there are pleant of clothes you can borrow." sensing this was a battle they were not going to win eventually james nodded.
"ok mum we can stay and eat," James said amused.
"come on i will show you around before anyone gets here and then i will show you to my room where you can shower. Mum can you have someone leave her some clothes and urm.... whatever else she needs." he mumbled while blushing beat red like jazz had a few moments before. Betty giggled at how her son was so awquard about providing jazz with sanitary items even after he nearly tore their clothes off infront of him mum, even now she noticed the tears at the front of his jeans where his wolf had tore his clothes apart.
"sure i will have her clothes and some sanitary items n the lift for you now you go show her the house before wolves start arriving" betty said with her polite smile before the blushing jazz was pulled out of the room by the equally red James.
"so you have already seen the living room." he said jesturing around the large light coloured living space as he got to the door, this is for family only there is also an entertainment room for the other wolves of the pack."
"other wolves?" jazz asked confused.
"a alphas home is open to all of his pack dear." said betty sweetly behind her.
"kind of like a hotel really." James added
"its a wolfs way of showing he wants nothing more than their safety and happiness, and besides with all the wolves he has living in this town he had to find some way to keep them entertained, though im not going to show you around all the rooms. There are over 100 guest bedrooms in this house not counting rooms reserved for the guard staff training staff, cleaning staff and visitors, plus alot of the wolves also own their own homes in the town its self but it means that on nights when they work they can get some sleep close to where they work incase they are called urgently." james said quickly in explination.
Jazz was blown away by all the new information whoa packs don't work like normal towns that was for sure, and this house didn't look that big from the outside at all.
Pulling her through a sliding door James brought her into a larger living room area.
"this is the public room," James said proudly.
"though mum closed the house to the pack today because i told her i would be bringing my mate to meet them. Hence why there is no one here yet." james said while stretching his arm out in a circle to emphisise his point. Jazz froze as she started ahead around the huge room that was bigger than a resteraunt, it could easily seat a thousand people on all of its comfortble hand crafted wood and tapestry furnature, sofas and chairs lined each wall with small placement tables dotted around, there was a pool table and five large tvs that jazz could see from where she stood were clearly not an average size. Like the living room this room also had dark rich wood floors artisticly painteded pictures lining the walls and all of the fabric and tapestly was clearly hand crafted it was exquisit.
"the kitchen is through here," James said slowly leading her now wide-eyed expression through the room to a door on the right.
"why is this house so small from the outside but so big from the inside? I mean i know its as tall as a sky scraper but surely its not the size it is from outside." jazz mumbled confused unsure of wether she directed the question at her self or James but neer the less James answered.
"its more magic like the hex, it means that us wolves can fit more buildings into smaller spaces because the bigger our town expands the more likely it is that we are discovered so its almost like a shirinking spell, like the tardis on dr who."
"bigger on the inside." jazz mumbled remembering the shows famous motto.
"exactly, come on let's check out the kitchen." James slowly moved her through the door and she got the chance to take the kitchen in for the first time.
It was big enough for one hundred cooks to work in it at once with three huge wood burnng stoves, two pizza overns, and three of the biggest industrial ovens she had ever seen like the ones you see resteraunts on tv use that can fit hundreds of items in together. There were five huge refrigerators and three freezers again all industrial sized ones like walk in freezers and fridges, three dishwashers and hundreds of countertops to work on, this was fenominal.
"and the dinning room here." he moved her through a door on her left that she hadn't even noticed right across from the entrance to the public living room.
As she looked around the room she felt her knees buckle from under her, it was huge, well not just huge, it was so huge she couldnt even see the other end of the table and threre were three identical tables besides eachother in the enormous room,
"each table must seat at least a thousand people" she said to herself mummbling, she felt herself go lightheaded and slightly wobbly.
"whoa, jazz are you ok?" James snaked his hand around her waist to support her.
"it's huge!" she gasped and he couldn't hold the slight laugh that sneaked its way out.
"its where out entire pack share meals and spend most of their time. We almost fill one full table rght now but one day we hope we will have to expand the room to fit all the wolves in our pack, mum cooks all the meals, with help from some of the unbreeded females, and mums food is the best." jazz was speachless, this was the most amazing thing she had ever witnessed yet james was throwing all ths information out their cassualy.
"come on i will show you to my room now, i will skip the bathrooms because there are alot of them but i have an ensuite you can use to shower and obviously there is a toilet in there too for when you need to go." he said with a shy smile as he guided her to the other side of the room and through a double hand carved wooden door and into the most grand entrance way she had ever seen which she found strange as it seemed to be at the back of the house.
"um is this the front?" she asked confused like so often recently.
"no this is the back, our grand entrance way is at the back for guests, mum says its so its easier for pack members to move around the house but honestly i just think its because the cleaning staff find this room a pain to clean and wouldn't want to do it every day after hundreds of people had been through it."
"Oh, its very beautiful" jasmine said staring around the room.
"yeah its so other packs can see our graduate and monetary value when they visit on business, I think it because my dad just likes to show off what he has."
"and why shouldn't I?" a strong male voice boomed from behind them.
"go on to your room now the pack are on thier was over, and stop telling a human all abour the way we live," he said stubornly before disapearing into a door to the right of them at the far end of the room.
"it's his guest office," james said clearlyl listening to her unasked question.
"come on lets go before the pack sees us," james said as he led jazz to the left of the door they had walked through and pressed the call button for the lift, while waiting jazz took the opertunity to admire the room, a large grand decadent hand crafted staircase stood before them in rich red carpet and dark wood.
Looking up she noticed how many floors there must be above this one. It must be at least seven stories high, she thought to herself.
"we can use the lift, my room is the entire top floor of the house, that is eight stories higher than us," he said with a chuckle showing he had clearly been listening to what jazz thought yet again.
"sorry I'm listening in I need to know if you're going to need catching again," he said confidently as his cheeky smile cropped into place.
She smiled but jabbed him in the ribs playfully, a big mistake because it hurt her more than him. Just as she was about to speak the lift arrived and they stepped inside.
The interior of the lift was spacious and light with a mirror along two walls and doors n the others.
"how many lifts are there?" jazz asked curiously.
"four together here and another coule throught the house but this is the only one that goes to my room because this one has the top floor button." he said grinning while he pressed the tallest button which said 'private floor' then another button marked with a capital J and typed in the code '2004'
"the code is your birthday." he said with a smile. The 20th of april or 20/04
the lift glided up in silence and the atmosphere around the two began to crackle and fizz like static, james slowly bent down and retrieved the bag of items his mum had ordered to be left in the lift. Jasmine could feel the heat rising and the tension grew and suddenly without warning james dropped the bag and her back was against one of the full length mirrors their mouths savaging eachothers as if they were the air the other needed and with how she felt at that moment for all she knew they were, tenderly james slid his hands down her bare legs slowly lifing her legs around his waist so their height became equal, as jazz opened her eyes she realised the yellow wolf tint his eyes had taken on but this was not the wolf that was so forcefull, this was her james. Tender loving and gentle with her.
Gently pressing her back against the lips he pressed his to hers again only this time she could feel his love exchange in their kiss he could smell her scent surrounding him in the seemingly smaller confines of the lift but before anything else could happen the lift doors opened on ther designated floor and as he moved away his eyes slowly corrected themselves to those of his human, he replaces jazz' feet on the floor and lifting the bag from benieth his feet he led jasmine nto his room for the first time.
"and we are here." he said with a nervous giggle
his 'room' was bigger than jasmine expected. It was actually a whole house in and of its own.
"this is a whole house!" jasmine gushed and James could not help but burst into laughter.
"yes its my house silly. Come on i will show you to my room."
he walked jasmine around the huge studio apartment that he called his 'room'. It was dark outside by now but jasmine could not pull her eyes away from the view out of the window which made up the whole wall in the room she was in.
"nice isn't it," James said proudly.
"it feels like I belong here, like I've been here in a dream," she said absently as though hypnotised while staring at the wolf village below.
James gasped realising she really did belong here, the truth was he had been dreaing about being stood here in this room with her looking out of that window like this for a very long time, just not while she was human. after standing with her for a while watching the view below his stomach growled to say dinner was ready
"come on lets get you in the shower or dinner will be cold." he said as he glanced at his watch while trying to ease her away from the captavating view, and just for a second james could have swore that in her reflection on the mirrored glass he saw her eyes flash yellow, not exactly like a wolf but with a red tint around the irisis. James dropped her hand in shock as he stepped back and she seemed to snap back to life as he did.
"w....what happened? James you don look so good."
"n..... no I'm fine, come on dinner is going cold go get in the shower!"
"what we only just got here James"
"Jazz! We have been here nearly an hour now come on hurry up."
that was impossible she knew she only glanced out of the window, but if James said go she better hurry.
He led her through the living room/kitchen open plan room and through a door to what must be his bedroom looking at the size of it then through another door and into a beautiful bright bathroom.
"is a quick bath ok? You don't have time to get your hair wet." James said hurriedly
"oh yeah fine." she said while thinning how hungry he must be to push her like this. Quickly James filled up the huge tub with warm water while she undressed and climbed in.
"i will get your clothes i left them on the sofa." he said rushig out of the room. Knowing she didnt have long she aimed to was as quickly as possible, using the soap on the edge of the bath she began to wash her legs. The smell of coconut filled the air and and her wet hands slowly slid up her long silky legs first the left, then the right and as she reached the top she hovered over her tender flesh for just a second longer than nessisary feeling how sore james had left her after erlier but oh how sencitive it fellt, she couldnt resisit taking this opertunty to feel how he had streched her.
Slowly she used her petite fingers to explore her tender thighs and then slowly sliding into her neatly trimmed garden over her tight and tender bud and moaning slightly in responce to how good even the slightest of touches felt, sliding lower she reached her tender entrance and slowly explored, first with one finger, then with two, slowly easing in until she coud feel how large her wolf had made her. Another moan escaped her lips and she could feel herself wetten just thinning about how his dick had been buried so deep right here an hour erlier. Tossing her head back on the edge of the tub she slowly eased her fingers ut then back in genly keeping rhythem, faster and faster until she could feel something building within, h she was so close to bursting she could feel it yes here it came, she let out a long deep moan but just as she reached the peak and was about to crash over the edge james re entered the room with his head in the shopping bag, before he realised what he had just walked in on her doing she moved her hand away and pretended to be washing her leg, she absently noticed the water had turned pink and her skin become clean.
"i have no idea what these things are but I'm sure you do," he mumbled and he placed a box of sanitary towels and tampons on the edge of the sink, then placing the toilet sink down he placed her freshly folded clean clothes in a neat pile with underwear ontop.
"are you ready to get out?" he asked glacing at her, his only responce was an innocent nod. Turning towards a small cabinet that blended witht he theme of the room so well jazz hadnt even noticed it. he held up a towel and walked to the edge of the bath waiting for her to step into it, she did as he expected and stepped into it as he wrapped t around her back careful to be the perfect gentleman and avert his eyes as he wrapped it around her.
"i will be in my room whe you are ready." he said smiling as he left the room and closed the door behind him. First she quickly decided on her sanitary item of chice then got dressed double checking her make up had not smudged and her hair was slightly tidy she washed her hands and exited the room to james' bedroom where he sat waiting on the bed in fresh clothes.
"let's go," she said smiling as he took her hand and led her back to the elevator which was there waiting when he pressed the button.
They stepped into the elevator and James pressed the button for the ground floor.
"why id you press J when we got in the lift earlier? Jazz asked to break the silence.
"this elevator opens on two sides, one side is mine you need a code for, the other is the helipad access on the roof."
"you have a helipad? What about the hex?" James almost seemed to smile.
"relax its more magic really it's like a teleport pad but its marked with a H, then you go through a glass door and onto the elevator which takes you down to the entrance way, its really quite simple."
jasmine couldnt think of anything else to say and the ride down was uncomfortble silence though she couldnt understand why james was acting so strange, i mean he hadnt been slient fr the rest of the day and now his sudden silence was making her nervous. It was almost like james was dstracted by something in his own head, and then there was the twich he kept making when he clenched and unclenched his hands what was all that about? A couple of seconds after thinking this the elevator doors opened on the entrance was and james relaxed taking jasmines hand and leader her back through the door leading from the entrance way to the dinning room.
This time the dinning room was full of people all filling spaces around the table. Only two spaces were left on the almost full table, two seats at the farthest end from lou james' dad, as they aproached the other end of the table they noticed it was betty that was sat there indicatiing they take the two available spaces, as they took their seat lou stood and with a powerfull booming voice he commanded.
"let the pack eat." then returned to his seat, looking down at her plate there was no knives and forks and as everyone began their meal it became pandamonium, the men around the table turned to wild beasts tearing their food to pieces with slightly clawed hands, there was meat flying through the air as they tore with such force, now she saw where james got his healthy apetite and also why he seemed uncomortble eating with cutlery. The women arund the table were slower and used ther natural nails rather than claws but even so had no problem tearing the meat to pieces with their hands. Jazz was sure the plate placed infront of everyone was the size of a whole cow each, and while she chose to gently pick at her meat alot of the men had already eaten theirs as if ravenously swallowing them whole, it was strange to jazz how even the civilised people she had met before let the animal out when it came to food. Leaning over to james who was also tearing at hs meal jasmine leaned near his ear,
"do you always eat like this?" she asked innocently james simply nodded and continued to eat, jasmine did her best though she hated when the meat was up her nails, it was tender but a little under done for jasmine although she had to admit it was lovely and even though she struggled to eat even a quarter of it she would defiantely eat it again, when she was done a very polite male indicated to her plate as though asking if he could eat what she left and with a smile she handed her plate over to the man, james smiled as he looked at her trying to pluck meat from her nails, never had he seen her so beautiful as here with his pack eating a comunity meal, his mate here with him, he wished it never had to end but he knew it did.
The sexual tension and the smell of her breeding was still clouding his judgement he wanted her across his knee right now so he could burry so deep in her and a few of the other wolves had noticed her breeding too and his scent all ver her, he had gained a few winks from the males around the table he wanted her to himself but he didn't trust himself, the restraint he had to use not to take her in the elevator, specially when she smelled like his coconut soap.
"are you finished?" betty asked to break the silence
"oh yes thankyou it was lovely but just too big for me." jasmine said with a smile. Betty stood smiled and clapped her hands t gain the attention of the room.
"right pack lets go through to the hall and give the cleaning staff a chance to clean the mess." as she spoke people moved through a double door on the left in the middle of the room.
"come on let's go," James said while taking her hand.
"Oh um bathroom?" jazz said self consciously.
"behind you hurry back now ok?"
jazz nodded and headed through the door he had indicated to. Catching his um before she left the room James took her arm,
"mum I need to have a word with you." betty nodded
"just let me have a quick word with your father first." James nodded and noticed jazz was back on her way to him.
"ok." she said smiling and taking his hand he led her into the 'hall' which looked more like a huge ballroom.
"oh jazz right?" a girl said walking to the side of jasmine and taking her arm.
"yes, jasmine this is Abby, Abby is my mum's friends daughter," James said smiling.
"oh hello, I'm ......... um..." jasmine didn't know how to introduce herself.
"James mate? Anyway, come on I'm sure fuzzy won't mind if I borrow you for a minute."
"um fuzzy?" jasmine said amused.
"yeah James took until he was six to get his propper wolf fur, he had his cub fur for a long time so people called him little fuzzy and it kind of stuck, come on and meet the girls,"
"Oh, I don't know I should go before my parents get worried." Abby seemed to think about that for a minute.
"Hmm no, you don't." Abby took a phone from her pocked and punched in a few numbers.
"hello, Mrs Trepez? Hello im abby, chloes mum, my daughter is friends with jasmine at school, yeah she came over to watch a movie with my daughter and fell asleep, do you want me to wake her or is she ok to stay the night here?" after a muffled responce on the other line abby held her thumb up to jazz playfully.
"ok thank you, Alex, yes I will do, no problem, you too, goodnight." Abby handed the phone to jasmine and she realised she had phoned from her mobile.
"betty asked me to give it you back she found it down the sofa, your mum says stay since its saturday but dont be late home tommorow, gwens Daughter stacy will bring you some clean clothes and stuff in the morning, now come on and meet the girls!" abby said excitedly taking jasmines hand and jumping around on the spot. Jazz looked at james for reassurance.
"you go ahead and have fun I need to find my mum I won't be long I promise."
"ok." jazz said smiling as she let go of James' hand and got dragged into a crowd of girls by Abby.

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