Part 12

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And i thought school conversations were wierd, im stood in a crowd of females my age giving me tips incase chose to be a wolf, like if you paint your human nails make sure you do it a colur that matches your fur because your claws go that colour, and your furr is your aura, not your haircolour but that if you dye your hair your fur goes that colour too, this is insain, there was a girl showed me that the piercings she had were also on her wolf and tattoos show too if the fur is not there covering them, and a girl saying never shave anything but your underarms because if you do your wolf has bald patches, was i really expected to get used to all of this? All the wolf stuff? Really? God all this thinkning made her tired, and as if on que james cut through the crowd smiling,
"if you girls dont mind im borrowing my mate now. Come on babe, lets get to bed." maybe the talk wth his mum helped because now he lost that uncomfortble cold he had in his touch when he prectically pushed her into the arms of abby so he could go talk to his mum, jazz smiled and nodded as james led her to the lift and pressed the call button, again the lift seemed t be waiting and they got in the lift and typed in the 'J' and typed her birthday. As the lift doors closed james placed his hand on her cheek looking deep into her eyes and kissed her so passinately and full of love that it compleatly took her breath. As the doors to the lift opened and as soon as she stepped out she was balled over by the sight that met her, a candle lit room with flower petals leading through the room and to his bedroom door, and a beautiful piece of music playing in the background.
"w.....what is this?"
"the first night in my house, in my room, in my bed, i wanted to make it special." jasmine did not have words to show her apretiation so instead she setteled for kissing him very passionetly and wrapping her legs around his waist all together in one swift motion, as the kiss deepened he moaned into her mouth as he gripped her to him carrying her through room and through his bedroom door which she noticed was also lit like the livingroom and finally into the bathroom which was just as romantically lit. Turning on the shower before breakiing the kiss he smiled as he slowly lowered her to the ground.
Slowly he un-buttoned his jeans sliding them nd his boxers to the tled floor before removing his shirt and then removing jazzes shirt and jeans, laning in to kiss her again he leans in kissing her so ferotiously it took her a moment to realise this was james and not the wolf, without breaking the kiss he sheds her of her bra and panties removing her sanitary item of choice then lifted her to him replacing her legs around his waist and freeing her beautful flowing hair and stepping into the hot cascade of water whch ran down her back in the best possible way as the double shower head made sure to cover both of them.
James moved his kisses to jasmines neck as he took a bar of scented soap the same at on the edge of the bath tub, jazz had brought him some of this soap back from a spa a couple of years ago and she was such a fan of its amazing scent on him that he uses all coconut scented products and since coconut was her favorite scent he refused to use any other. He gently rubbed the soap all over his hands and onto jasmines back, shoulders and hips. Taking his lead jasmine took the soap rubbed her hands in it and gently massaged it into his shoulders allowing the scent to fill her nose, gently he began moving his hands down her thighs to her knees and back up, jazz ran her hands to his chest up and down rhytmically wth her music faintly playing over the sounds of the shower. James stepped a little wetting jasmines hair in the water and rubbing coconut shampoo into her beautiful silky hair considering her being on her breeding cycle he figured a shower before bed would be romantic and also a good idea.
"hmmmm." she purred as she enjoyed his gentlewashing of her hair. She began to wash his too which didnt take so long with it being shorter after wrinsing all the soap he began kissing her neck in the spot which he knew made her crazy, she continued rubbing his chest as the water ran over him.
"jazz!" he gushed avoiding blowing all over her rear end,
"james!" he gasped as she felt how hard he was.
Gently pressing her back against the wall of the shower he teased her lips with his rock hard throbbing tip. He eased himself in to the hilt, the cacophony of moans escaped her lips in a rush as her man entered her for the second time today, god he felt so big but so so good. An urge came over herr suddenly as she placed her lips to james' neck and bit him hard. James moaned in ecstatic shock, she just couldnt help but bite again, this time she swore he growled, he was about to bite her neck in return but instead he groaned and began to pound fast and hard oh god he felt so good.
"you can bite!" she gasped out on the cusp of orgasm.
"NO! I cant bond us!" he said without stopping pounding.
"bonding?" oh she hit orgasm hard digging her nails into his back until she drew blood, and it seemed to turn him on harder.
"if we bite eachother we leave a permanent mark that my type can see, bondng us together you know the wedding thing." james said pounding harder, jazz ran over everything in her head and when she reached her third orgasm she groaned the only thing she could think she wanted in that moment.
"do it!"
"huh what?" james squeaked, he felt so close right now.
"Do it! Bond me!" james groaned as he moved to her neck.
"you sure?" jazz turned her neck to the side giving him permission.
He sank his blood bringers deep into her neck, she expected to be in pain but all she felt flood her was pleasure. James put jazz' fingernails and pulled her arm down scratching his neck and drawing his own blood, he pulled his mouth away from her neck and pulled her head down to his neck.
"bite and draw blood, then drink" he demanded and she followed his order, after she swallowed the first drop the bond shot into place and the pleasure surged through both of them, james exploded within her harder than he ever thought possible. He slumped to the shower floor with her in his arms, she took a few more swallows of blood before he stopped bleeding and laid in his arms, as jazz was overwhelmed with the bond james lifted them to their feet, shut off the shower dried them both and then walked into his room laying her on the bed and putting her in his boxers and a t-shirt before laying next to her and she curled up in his arms lovingly. They both drifted to sleep around the same time exausted and bonded in eachothers loving arms.

Hybrid (Argon pack Book 1) MATUREWhere stories live. Discover now