Part 22

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"Higher." Tom barked, I kicked higher

"Faster" Tom Hissed, I kicked faster

"Harder" Tom gruffed, I kicked Harder

"More" he bellowed and I kicked more.

I kept step to step with him with the stamina of a wolf or possibly even stronger as he seemed to be tiring faster than I was.

"Rest" he groaned with a smile as he rubbed the arm that had been holding the training shield I had just been kicking, I was getting stronger I could feel it and see the way toms response to my kicks changed. He had been pushing me and testing me for over an hour but I met his every challenge. At one point I even hurt his arm with the last kick. I could have swore I would have broke his jaw in boxing this morning had he not been execting it and swerved out of my way. He had joked he was dreadng self defence. Tom had told her he had never seen anyone work so hard and its not like she had anything to prove tom was one of the strongest wolves outside or the Argon family. Tom had openly told James if it had not been for seeing her as a sister he would have been completely infatuated with her. I was proud to say I had toned every single muscle in my body and tom had also said she was nothing like the hot mess of a woman who first walked into town, she was a force to be reckoned with even before being a wolf.

"your a natural born wolf,even by wolf standards you are amazing, prehaps James knew what he was talking about taking a human as his mate.

Well I think thats it for today so get some rest and tell James he should be proud at how well you have been doing." Tom says while wiping his sweating face with a towel, I copy his actions by rubbing the back of my neck.

"whats tommorow?" I ask taking a drink from my bottle.

"self defence and I think James should join us to see our progress"

could not contain my giggled at the thought of James watching me fight, I had after all been doing this for him. Wanting to be his strong Healthy and wiling mate.

"dont forget its a full moon soon so you will become a wolf like me." I actually squeeked jumping in excitement at that.

"your the best teacher a future wolf could ever ask for!" I squeak excitedly as I place all my training equipment away.

"go before I change my mind and want you for myself," tom growls but by now I know its all one big joke and hes not even intrested in me like that though if james ever overheard I dont know if tom would keep his head.

"im going im going." I smile with a wink as I tighten my shoe laces and set off in the direction of the house.

Ducking jumping over branches and roots avoiding bramble bushes and holes in the ground I think even dodged a boulder at one point and all the time increasng speed, it was only until I cleared the forrest I realise I was running way too fast and could not stop I would crash into the door at this rate! I close my eyes bracing for inpact but to my astonishment I land on the firm warm chest of the man I adore, I open my eyes to see james laid on the floor and completely winded in shock.

"oh james! Are you ok im so sorry!" I say jumping up from ontop of him and helping him to his feet, hearing the comotion his family round the corner looking for the source of what I am sure was an almighty crash to their wolf hearing.

"wh.... What were you doing? R.... running that fast! I was coming to tell you dinner was ready and the next thing I know im on the floor." he says through pants of air clearly not sure if he should rub his head chest or ass from the landing he just took.

Hybrid (Argon pack Book 1) MATUREWhere stories live. Discover now