Part 15

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Had her room always been this cold? It was so much different to the forest home where she felt welcome. She had always liked forest areas, she felt connected to them, she never knew why but it was like she was drawn to them, that's why she picked this house the moment she saw the garden joined onto a wild forest, most people would be put off by that and want an enclosed yard but to her that was a major selling point, that was the rule you see, her parents chose the town or city but she got to choose the house.

James was by her side softly snoring his adorable little purr that Jasmine felt was so cute but every other night by his side she had slept wonderfully. Now in her own bed since staying with James she couldn't sleep. She wanted to be there with him not here. She had spent every waking moment there since that night over two weeks ago. This was her first night at home and she just had a overwhelming sense of unease being back in her room.

Jasmine hated every second of it and was only holding on for the hope of tomorrow.

Tomorrow Jasmine would be taught how to hunt like a wolf. They had decided wether or not she chose to become a wolf it was good that she learn those basic skills.

Nobody knew about the drastic changes she had noticed, not even James, she was eating more, running faster and becoming agiler. She loved running through the trees and the things she used to enjoy paled in comparison to reading a book in front of a camp fire, shopping and parties had been exchanged for exercise and relaxation, nothing could put her off either, rain, sleet, snow, even mud. Normally even when there was the slightest chance it would rain she would find an excuse not to go out and would wish she could be curled up in bed, but at the moment nothing stopped her.

She wanted to run barefoot with the wolf cubs and roll around in the mud with James' wolf and dash through the trees as a member of the pack wth cubs at her heels, she couldn't explain any of this of course but guessed it was probably to do with her bond with James.

Her alarm buzzed beside her and as she lent over to press it James wrapped his strong arm around her waist lovingly like she had became used to in a morning.

"Jasmine sweetheart come on your alarm has gone off four times this morning, your mum is not well so I came home from my business trip." Jamines father said before opening the door without knocking, he ussualy knocked, Jasmine was sure his eyes turned red when the situation registered to all three of them, James was naked in Jasmines bed, Jasmine was also naked in her bed and they were cuddling, she had just fucked hair and a huge purple mark on her neck from the bonding and her father had just walked in while james was pitching a morning wood tent so big she knew her father could see it, he stood frozen with anger staring at them in bed together. He took one big sniff of the air before pointing to James and growling through a murderous glare.

"you out now!" as he turned and walked away.

"get dressed and wait for me in the tree line," she said looking at James. He didn't question just nodded, got dressed and climbed from her window quickly.

After brushing her hair to cover the marks on her neck which she was sure had already been seen but better not anger him further. She put her uniform on and grabbed her gym bag which had her stuff for training with Tom later. She walked down stairs to see her dad sat at the table holding his hands in fists so tight his knuckles turned white.

"Daddy please I can explain, it's not what you think."

she knew it was cliché but her brain refused to come up with anything clever right then.

"oh? So I haven't just caught my Eighteen-year-old daughter in bed with a guy at least three years older than her? While they were both naked?" ok he had her there and she couldn't exactly explain the whole wolf true love thing or he would lock her in a mental home.

"we are just friends, I thnk he is gay honestly" she lied desperately trying to salvage the situation.

"Obviously that's why he left this!" he said while lifting her hair to reveal the bite mark.

"it cant be more than an hour old or you would have healed," he said and she could hardly explain it would never fully heal not even on her because of wolf magic.

"it was a one-time thing to see if we would work." she tried and this time her dad actually laughed in her face.

"enough lying to me Jasmine. I am not stupid now go to school before you are late! And tell that boy you can no longer see him!"

Jasmines entire world had had just collapsed around her, her father could send her away from him forever and she could not let that happen, it would destroy both of them, he just didn't understand, with tears streaming down her cheeks she she ran into the open arms of James who held her so tight she could never let him go.

"can I move in?" she choked out through tears.

"what?" James said while stroking her hair.

"can I move in with you and the Argon pack?" James was sure his heart leapt into his mouth. Only yesterday he had talked to his parents about asking her to move in and they said yes but he didn't want to rush in on her because she was close with her parents so he waited and now.....

"yes, of course, you can come on let's get you home," he said wrapping his arms around her and leading her through the forest. It felt so good to call it home. All the things she needed were already at James' house so she never really needed to go home for anything again.

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