Part 17

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"ok, remember, focus on your target, breath gently, then when it feels just right to release your fingers and let the arrow fly," Tom said as he held me steady, a few weeks ago I would have been a hot mess with a hunk like Tom pressed so tight against me but now all I wanted was James.

I followed my instructions releasing the arrow and hitting one of the targets swinging from a tree branch. She hit the bullseye again for the fifth time in a row.

"not bad! You have an eye for this. Keep going like that and I will lose my reputation." Tom said with a smile while stepping away.

"now you try on your own." he sent three targets swinging out of time with each other as I drew my bow and placed an arrow like he had shown me.

Taking a deep breath I stared down the shaft of the arrow I had loaded. I release when my fingers itch and it feels right and to my abject surprise, my arrow flies shooting straight through the bullseye of all three targets pinning them to a tree behind. Looking around a completely aghast and pale-faced tom looks like he's about to pass out.

"I really am going to lose my reputation aren't I?" he mumbles. I can't help but giggle as he tries to compose himself, honestly, I'm amazed how quickly and easily I had picked up the skills he was teaching me.

"This is the catching prey part of today's lessons," Tom had told me previously we would move onto killing prey because hunting and catching prey were supposed to be the hardest part, or so he thought. After another ten shots at the bullseye, he decided to move onto another part.

"ok, lets go back to hunting prey." Tom said defeated as I lay my bow and quiver of arrows on the tree stump I had collected them from eager to move on and learn more.

"when hunting you have to be stealthy, a single sound can spook prey and cost the pack a meal, not really obviously because our pack is big enough not to rely on only one wolf and most of our food we buy from human shops and butchers but many smaller packs do not have that luxury and as a wolf it is vital you learn these skills in case you ever rely on them in the future," he said seriously.

"light steps, keep your balance, watch your surroundings and.... Pounce." he jumped into a hedge and came back out holding up a wild hare as an example. Once again I followed his instructions exactly as he taught and.... Pounce.

Turning to face Tom I hold out the two wild hares I just caught both of which look equally pissed to be picked up.

"are you ok?" I ask Tom who is beginning to look unnerved.

"Yeah, let's try that again to see if it was beginners luck," he says with a slight smile.

We continue that way for hours, I had caught a whopping fifteen heirs in total and tom decided he could not call it beginners luck and declared me fantastic.

"now Jazz, killing them. Don't worry I won't kill anything I will just show you how. You want to go for an instant kill so the poor little thing won't suffer. Here take my hunting knife and try on this stuffed animal. I will tell you if you do it right."

Jazz remembered her biology lesson in her old school when the horrible teacher had killed a live rabbit in front of them on a school trip to show how villagers would survive in medieval times.

I took the knife from tom and cut exactly how the teacher had thought I will admit its also how I would have done it by instinct anyway. Tom stared in open-mouthed awe mumbling something to himself about 'impossible' or 'perfect'.

"whoa I think that's the end of today's lesson, in fact, the end of all lessons, that was fantastic, you're a natural born wolf, I have never seen such talent before even amongst people born wolf. I am truly amazed."

I thanked him and threw my arms around him happy he even told me I could come and help him sometime.

"you really are a part of the family, now go get back to James before he worries about you," he said squeezing me a little tighter before kissing my cheek and letting me go. I didn't need telling twice.

I hurried off towards the house, hopping straight into the lift and typing in the number, bouncing excitedly I waited for the lift to rise, anxious to be in James' arms.

Hybrid (Argon pack Book 1) MATUREWhere stories live. Discover now