part 2

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"where is he? He should be home by now." Lou said while pacing up and down the room.

"oh, Lou stops fretting I am sure he will be here any minute, and stop that damn pacing you're wearing a path into the floor," Betty said while shifting in her armchair.

"and if not? What will happen? It's time for our run and the tracker is missing?" Lou finally stopped pacing and began embedding his nails into the back of his chair.

"oh, dear I'm sure he is running late I can track just as well as him. I am sure he started without you." Betty smiled her sweet reassuring smile.

"you're acting more like a friend than a parent or alphas mate Betty," Lou said with slight amusement in his tone.

"so what if I am? Our son can look after himself during the change he is an alphas son Lou! It wouldn't be the first time he broke tradition and went running with his friends in neighbouring packs"

"well, he better come back tomorrow. come on let us join the run." Lou unclothed and ran out of the beautiful log cabin, closely followed by Betty. The run was always good for wolves on the change or full moon as it's more formally known to humans. Running and Exercise stops the muscles and bones hurting the next day when they turn back, and a lot of wolves like to change before the moon changes them by force so that they don't feel the pain of that also.

The run went as smoothly as ever despite no one seeing hide nor hair of James, the occasional scent of blood or him as a wolf carried on the breeze but it was not enough to trace and even so it's not unusual for a wolf to catch prey on a full moon.

"Lou he never came home last night. Where could he possibly be? Maybe he met a bitch and he made us some grand cubs." bitch is the wolf name for a female on the change.

"oh, Betty you're obsessed with cubs I swear. Though you might not be wrong, maybe he got over that stupid human obsession, and about time too, its bad for his health obsessing over a human."

"oh Lou he is young and he loves her, he is happy with her, how can you say happiness is bad for his health?" Betty crossed her arms tight across her chest.

"because it's a human, you know what they can do. They could kill us all and have us locked in a museum!"

"Well obviously I know their relationship will come to an end should the time come where he mates to a female wolf that much is common knowledge but for the time being why can't you just let the poor lad be. I mean sure he thinks he loves her but all that nonsense will pass when he meets his true mate on one of these full moons and the mate so and while that will probably break her heart he probably won't even remember her, you remember how young wolves can be Lou besides it's not long until he will not need to go to that stupid human school, I don't even know why you insisted he attend if this is how you feel about him fraternising with the humans that go there and anyway soon she will get sick of how secretive he is and how he sneaks around and keeps his family life a private secret. For now, though I think it best to humour him I mean it's not like he would be stupid enough to mate her, To reveal his wolf nature to her, I mean give the boy a little credit Lou he is our son."

"you are right of course my dear but he is my only heir so I'm in my rights to worry. He needs to lead this pack by example, show he is responsible and dating a human is too much risk for the future Argon pack alpha."

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