Part 45

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"what is it? What's going on?" I asked tom.

"all hells breaking loose that's what, get your asses to the pack house asap" he replies hurriedly,

I'm almost certain it's not normal to speak that way to your alpha but I don't care tom is my friend not my subordinate and I hope the whole pack will see me that way one day too.

"that does not sound so good, I say to James as I fix my clothing and collect my belongings. 

"no, I agree we better move can you do your shadow thing with both of us and our things?" James asks while doing the same,

"hmm I haven't tried since we fixed the wards but I suppose now is as good a time as any to try." he nods in agreement as we ensure our belongings are secure. 

he wraps his arms around me and I hold him as tight as I can, before we know it e are zipping through darkness and appearing in front of the pack house. 

"status report," I say to tom as soon as he launches out the doors to meet me.

"not good, Yasmine was attacked while finalising the new wards, she only managed to get the pack house and a one-mile radius surrounding it fixed, what's worse is Claudette can't help because Yasmine has no wolf so we need you to fix her up"

"not a problem anything else I should know?" I press feeling like he is holding back.

"it was a planned attack, we lost four guards, patrols are holding the border at the moment but we counted over one hundred vampires attacking in formation" Tom's face looks grim.

"fuck" James growls.

"This is a pack announcement, all wolves not engaged in combat or unable to fight please make your way quickly but calmly to the pack house we are under attack" I announce to the whole pack while trying to think of a plan. 

"James can you and your dad gather all wolves able to fight while I go help Yasmine I will meet you out here when I am done." he nods rushing to his dad. 

"Tom can you get able-bodied wolves to help with the evacuation to the pack house, wolves only need to bring necessary items." 

"Betty! can you gather help and supplies? be prepared for the whole pack to arrive, let me know if there is anything you need" I pack link betty while running inside to find Yasmine, shes pretty beaten up lost quite a bit of blood and one of her eyes was swollen shut, I would say she did an amazing job securing the ward as she did. 

"Right, let's get you fixed up," I say placing my hand on her most likely broken arm, I close my eyes and concentrate very hard on helping her, I feel the energy draining into her and with a sickening crunch her arm fixes itself, then her ribs, her collar bone, when I feel the tingling slow down I open my eyes just in time to see the swelling in her eye fade away, she takes a few deep breaths assessing the damage before speaking. 

"I will be a little sore for a while I suspect but you got me fixed so thank you."

"tell me what happened," I say placing my hand over hers and smiling what I hope is a reassuring smile.

"of course my dear but you might want to put those fangs away before the young ones arrive" I jump back covering my mouth and retracting my fangs but she is smiling at me not scared at all. 

"I was fixing the wards, mid spell I was distracted and suddenly I was being dragged backwards, they didn't bite me but I am certain they would have killed me if I was not with guards, I managed to place the spell but being injured I could not extend its boundaries how I would like," she says squeezing my hand. 

"once I am through with them they will never hurt anyone ever again," I say through my teeth trying to stop my fangs from retracting but only succeeding in biting my lip.

"your eyes are very bright you must be very mad," she says with curiosity 

I immediately calm my eyes back to normal and retract my fangs feeling g the small cut healing. 

"no one hurts my pack," I say feeling every bit of my conviction behind the words.

"I know sweet one, now let me see about getting some healing potion for those injured," she says sitting up 

"ordinarily I would order you to rest but I feel this will be too much for myself and Claudette alone." I help her to her feet. 

"alpha, breach at the south line" one of the guards reports and I feel my stomach twist. 

"I must leave you to your work," I say to Yasmine and she nods understandingly as I rush from the room to meet James outside.

"it's getting worse by the second, I hope I didn't tire you out earlier because it looks like the night is far from over," he says gesturing to the largest number of wolves I have ever seen in one place 

"I think we can handle it together, now tell me what am I missing" 

"the Fangers have breached the south wall, we are holding them off for now 

"for now does not sound so promising," I say watching the way he chewed his lip, he is worried. 

"Okay, here's what we can do, fifteen volunteers to help on the south wall," I thunder and a lot of hands shoot into the air I pick fifteen and dispatch them.

"the rest of you, half I need you gathering supplies we don't know how messy this will get but I want to make sure everything is ready no matter what is needed, the rest of you I want you to check the pack and ensure all vulnerable wolves get to the pack house safely then I want you to secure the borders, any problems James and I want to hear about them, James and I will intervene in the fighting when needed but right now we need to coordinate," I say and all the wolves nod before dispersing. James nods at me approvingly as he makes himself busy giving orders to the wolves that are collecting supplies. 

"This could get bad fast," James says with a grim expression when the wolves have all dispersed. 

"let's just hope we are up to the job," I say clenching my fists and trying my best not to cut into my palms with the claws fighting to get out. 

A huge earth-shattering boom echoes across the pack, the ground shakes and the skies open pouring with rain.

"that can not be good," James says his eyes blown wide. 

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