Part 9

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"mum im so sorry i didnt mean to do that."
"james listen to me. I saw the bond between the two of you, there were almost sparks, but she is human what were you thinking?"
"mum i didnt, she enticed me into the woods and my wolf just kind of decided on its own. I couldnt stop. Like i just did to her, and even after what i did she was more worried about staining your damn couch."
betty giggled a little in a way james had never heard before then she gently placed her hand on his shoulder.
"i always hoped the day would come where i would see a spark between you and a girl and now i see it. She might be human but i can see your souls are bonded to eachothers. You need to bond with her soon and the connection will strengthen. I hope she is willling to change for you."
"mum i hope so too." james said through a smile finaly glad that someone saw what he felt.
"but dont expect your father to accept your decsision james because he wont, but will stand by your side and he is my soul mate he will have to give in but probably demand she change before beinf=g welcomed among us."
james understood this, his father while strict and callous had to be strong for his pack, right now james was assesing he would react exactly how mother had predicted

things began slotting into place in his mind he loved her and wanted to be with her and spend his life with her, al of the premature ejaculation recently was his wolf calling out to hers but she does not have one so it was pining for something it couldnt have. It lost controll when it smelled her breeding, and he vaugely remembered kissing where he wanted his seed to be planted and grow. He loved her and couldnt take the idea of her not becoming his wolf but it was her descision to make , he just hoped she felt the same, he really did.
"mum i will get your sofa replaced just please dont tell dad about this, he knows we are mated but dont tell him that my wolf just tried breeding with her." james said while blushing.
His mum thought about it and then nodded.
"i will replace the sofa i am the woman of this house but i promise i will not tell your father, now get that girl home quickly before the young bloods start prowling for a female."
" bye mum and thanks so much we will see you soon."

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