Part 47

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I think James was right, none of these vampires is even close to the skill of the wolves fighting against them, I have come a long way from the scared human that got attacked in that forest during the failed mating ceremony but even so the vampires that fought that day far outweighed the skill and strength of these I fight today, once more I witness a vampire unable to travel through shadow and I am made aware these are not trained fighters, not even experienced vampires, its almost as if...

"they are newly turned! the vampires we are fighting are not intended to win" I quickly say to James seconds before his wolf breaks the line of trees to my rear. 

"no, they are intended to tire us, whatever the real fight will contain it has not even begun," he says pouncing on a cluster of vampires and taking them all down with a large spray, he emerges his coat now sticky with blood none of which belongs to him. 

"We can't just retreat, people's homes will be damaged, belongings gone, lives lost," I say back, I had maintained mostly human form, for now, just claws and fangs but now I felt a burning rage to transform. 

"go! get back to the pack house and rest I will stay here and hold off the masses with the guards," Tom says charging in behind us. 

"that's a suicide mission" James roars.

"it's the only way, I am our beta I lay down my life for you and this pack now go if our Alphas tire the pack falls," he says diving in front of a charging vampire. 

I don't want to leave him, it's my job to defend this pack I should be the one fighting but he has a point, if James and I use all our strength now whatever they have planned will be impossible to defeat, James nods to him and then begins nudging me away with his head, he slowly fades back to human and takes my hand pulling me back towards the pack house, Tom I hope you know what you are doing! I grip his hand and shadow step us straight to the pack house, James is naked and covered in drying blood, I am not faring better the scraps of clothing I was wearing hanging in tatters all over me, and there is blood in my hair and smears of dirt and blood cling to anywhere they could reach. 

"get washed up, you are doing the right thing," Lou says in the kindest tone I have ever heard him speak.

"an update on neighbouring pack help?" I ask brushing my hair away from my face. 

"all fighters in the country are heading our way as quickly as possible, we can only communicate with Alphas at this time so we have no way to know how long," lou instructs.

"make sure none of them leaves their packs vulnerable just in case of further attacks, we still don't know the full game plan" James adds. 

"thank the moon goddess we found those wards when we did or this would have been a lot worse," Lou says with a small but thankful nod to me, I return his nod before heading for the nearest shower, we don't know what the future could bring so we need to make sure everything is as efficient as possible so we are ready to jump to action. 

"come on let's shower together I think you need help getting the blood out of your hair," James says holding my hand tenderly and turning the shower on. 

I step into the warm water and James steps in behind me. 

"you are kind of sexy with the blood of your enemies in your hair," he says with a gruff chuckle. 

"oh?" I ask with a smile and a wink, I know he is probably trying to relieve the tension and to be fair it is working. 

"yeah," he says pulling me against him with a smile, his fingers work their way into my hair and he begins to gently massage the water through, and a stream of brown/red begins disappearing down the plughole. 

he gathers some soap into his hands and rubs it through my hair, it smells like honey on a summer day. when he pulls me close to rinse my hair I can feel his excitement pressing into the back of my thighs. 

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," I say pressing my ass into him slightly.

"you heard Yasmine the other day, sometimes more power is found through the mate bond, besides it might help us think a little clearer. 

"Are you just saying that so you can get some?" I ask as he finishes rinsing my hair and uses his soapy hands down my neck and back. 

"maybe" he replies with a laugh, I lean back into him and he washes my shoulders arms and legs but when he is finished I  turn around to return the favour, he doesn't appear to have any blood in his hair but I give it a quick wash anyway and then I work my way down his chest and arms back stomach and legs by the time I am done we are both clean and ready to get out but before we can he turns me and kisses me, I melt into him 

the kiss turns sensual as his hands explore my newly clean body, I moan as his hands find their way to my ass and squeeze, when he pulls me against him and I feel his hardness again I can't hold in a gasp, he lifts me and I wrap my arms and legs around him instinctively, he slides against me and slips in with ease, I moan and grip his shoulders, he holds me against the cool tile and fuck does he feel so good as he begins to set a pace. 

I begin to chase release as he speeds the tempo his grip getting tighter on my hips.

"fuck I'm going to.." I moan.

"me too" he groans against me.

"don't knot we don't have time" I pant right on the edge.

"Alphas you are needed in the meeting room urgently!" 

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