Part 4

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It had been two days since 'the incident'
"James I have told you, stop worrying I am absolutely fine." her reassuring smile propping up. He got back to her before she woke up and spent the whole day talking her through everything while she cowered in her bed, scared of him, until he explained it wouldn't happen again he didn't want to hurt her, he decided to leave out the part that now they are mated. He had not left her side no matter what despite her parents obvious objection to them sharing her bed, but he was to stubborn to move so instead they demanded the door must not shut, he accepted this knowing they would not be doing anything. Not since the last assault on her body during the previous full moon, but regardless he decided they needed to properly talk about it. James had told jazz' parents it was a wild animal attack that had injured jazz and shook them up.
"I promise you cant get pregnant or anything unless I turn you wolf" he reassured her as obvious medical concerns fought their way to her overloaded brain.
The thought of pregnancy with him didn't bother her before now. Even James noticed her shoulders drop a little at hearing this, her relaxation was plainly plastered on her face.
Wait what? Make people wolf?
"yes" he said suddenly with a smile
"I make people like me by scratching them and infusing out blood, but not everyone can become one, they have to be viable blood, not everyone is urm... compatible I guess."
"how did you know what I was thinking?"
she was sure she didn't think out loud so how did he know?
"no you didn't think out loud I knew that because I can hear what your thinking and sometimes feel it too, but it sounds unclear like im underwater and I cant always understand it, maybe because your human I don't know." jazz took a moment to think before speaking even though now she knew talking wasn't needed because James knew what she would say.
"can you do this with other people?" she finally spluttered out.
"no just you, your my true mate, my love. Oh crap I dint mean to say all that out loud." James added clamping his hands over his mouth

Jazz took what felt like months to mull over the new things he put in her head, all that true mate stuff had made her feel uncomfortable, and sensing this James went for a walk agreeing to block out all her thoughts till she gave him her permission, although it was hard he soon got the hang of blocking it out. She needed to think privately.
She loved him a lot but being his mate? That would include her being like him. Would she want that? What if she couldn't? Wolves mate for life, she learned that in biology she was good at biology. Would James be alone forever without her? And because she tricked him into sleeping with her? Could she live with either of those possibilities? She didn't know but one thing was for sure, all this thinking was making her sleepy so when a headache started she decided to take a short nap. Laying on her bed she drifted into a deep sleep.

Thoughts of James and wolves and the forest beneath her bare feet, the sensual feelings she had, even when he was a monster, then a sudden image of her and him, and her wanting him, willing him to turn her, wait was this a nightmare?


She was so cute when she slept, so peaceful, he could sit and watch her all day. Her beautiful dark long hair falling in swirls around her face and her genrous bust heaved with every gentle even breath, her slim figure completely natural, she wasent very athletic but she still looked amazing, her height was on the small side but that meant t was even better to hold her and bend to kiss her, her gentle little nose wrinkled gently as she made a gentle noise and shuffled in her sleep tugging at the covers, and james gently covered her, she was always cold in her sleep. her crystal blue eyes fluttered open then closed as she dreams so calm and sweet, her tiny frame burried in her oversized bed, oh how he wished she would be in his arms, but he got the impression that was not what she wanted, she hated him he was a monster, how could she feel anything but hate for him after what he did to her? She was acting like it was nothing but he knew it was more, he had been feeling it, he was feeling it now she looked so happy in her sleep but her mind was anything but happy. he wanted to hold her and make it all better but how could he make it better when he was the cause in the first place? he promised to keep out and it was hard but he did it for her, as soon as he didn't feel her feelings trying to invade his head he knew she was asleep so he headed straight back to watch over her. she fell asleep in his arms a number of times, and he would always hold her until she awoke now he had to settle for just watching her, maybe she would sleep through the night and he could hold her then. Either way he knew he would always be hers, he leant down and gently placed a kiss on her cheek sitting on the side of the bed and looking into her beautiful face.

Hybrid (Argon pack Book 1) MATUREKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat