Part 41

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 As much as I want to hate James I can't. As soon as I reconnected with him through the bond, I knew I couldn't blame him, but I still needed him to suffer a bit for his stupidity.

So acting cold and pissed off seemed the best way to go, but that all crumbled as we showered, I needed him as much as he needed me and soon his seed was planted deep inside me and we both knew we were each other's, now and forever. 

We finished showering and found clean clothes, it brought a small smile to my face to find my clothes were still in our room. 

"So, you wanted to talk to my father about pack security?" James says, pulling a shirt over his head. 

"Yes, there are gaps in his defences, that's how the fangers got to me and how I evaded his patrols."James nods, not pressing the matter as he knows I will only be repeating it all again soon.

"you know we have to drop the offensive term now our future Alphas mate is a vampire," James says with a smirk.

"No, I hate them for what they did to me, I AM NOT LIKE THEM!" I snarl as my eyes turn red.James looks shocked and ashamed"I'm sorry my love, I shouldn't have joked right now."I take a breath calming myself "No I'm sorry, I'm just angry at everything right now. Let's go see your father."As we exit the building, Tom is waiting outside, a smile on his face and relief in his eyes seeing us together.

"come on let's go explain to my dad why we took three hours."

I chuckle at that and Tom lets a loud laugh burst from his lips.A few minutes later we're walking into the grand hall, Lou pacing impatiently. 

"Where the hell have you been?" He says looking at us all.The hairs on James's neck and arms raise, his fangs baring and my eyes flash red. 

"I was reconnecting with my mate, my love" he snarls at his father.

"Lou lighten up" Betty chastises.

Lou sighs "And I thought an hour would be enough. Ah to be young again and full of vigour."

"so... we needed to meet with you because as a F.. uh Vampire I have found holes in your defences and I want to help you fix them," I say directly to Lou.

"Ha! Our defences have kept that filth out for years, what makes you think they need fixing?" He says with scorn in his voice. 

"Don't be a fool father! They got past your defences and almost killed my mate! And because of your arrogance, you then almost finished the job for them!"My love for James deepens at that moment, finally taking charge of his own destiny and stepping out of his fathers' shadow.

"what do you propose," Lou says eyeing me curiously. 

"I suggest an enchantment that will allow me to come and go as I please but stop any other vampire from Moving through shadows in pack lands," I say adding to the words of James.

"It is an ability unknown to anyone until I was changed and I feel it is something important"

"No, it's not unknown," Lou says, his hand going to his chin.

"but the wards should still be working, unless..." he trails off,

"unless? I can promise you that it is not working" I say as I move through the shadow of the room to be stood behind him.

Lou issues forth a low growl "Call for the priestess" he orders Tom.

"Yes, she placed the wards, she should know how they are being circumvented. I also want her to place a blessing upon Jasmine to keep her safe from further attacks."

Hybrid (Argon pack Book 1) MATUREUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum