Part 27

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My eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal a dark silence around me, not entirely sure where I am I cant help but wonder if I am still alive, trying to lift myself off the bed I am laid on however proves I am still alive as I don't believe it is possible to use chains to shackle a ghost. Also I say bed very loosely as this appears to be a rather creaky metal framed camping bed which by the smell of it has been previously used by a homeless person. It is at this point I believe taking in what little I can see may provide more answers. I concentrate and my vision slowly begins to clear and more begins to focus. The room is dark with one heavy handless door and no windows, there does not appear to be any light fixtures at all which means the only light is the sliver of artificial cold blue light that creeps under the slight crack between the door and what I can only guess would be a 3000 year old floor that has never seen a mop. The entire space smells damp and is not even big enough to call a room with only just enough floor to hold the surface in which I am laid on and a rather distressed looking wooden chair in the corner while still allowing the door to close. It is at this moment I realise I am rather unemotionally calm under the circumstances and I call out in the darkness somewhat croakily.

"James?" when I hear no response I shout a little louder.

"James!" tom emerges around the door, I hide my disappointment but my body aches for him none the less.

"called away on business I am afraid." he says with a smile I just nod too.

"what's going on why am I here?" I say while trying to pull my arms loose.

"whoa, steady Jazz, your here for your own good, what do you remember?" he asks taking my hand, I am confused for a moment before memories flood back.

"i was in the hospital, I was bitten by a vampire during the turning ceremony, I...i lost the baby." I say solemnly while my soul tries to collapse in on itself.

"i heard, I am sorry Jazz, do you remember what happened next?" he says and I see true remorse on his face.

"thank you. The doctor discharged me to come back to the pack house in case the attack had lasting effects. I was ushered home when I...." my words die out when my brain catches up with my words.

Tom suddenly drops my hand and takes a step back almost out of reflex, he is speaking but I don't hear his words as my own drown his out.


I hear the reverberating sound of metal bending and the muscles in my arms begin to burn. My vision clears more and I can now clearly see the tiny room, the floor is so damp moss is growing and there are dark rivulets down the walls where water has ran down in the past. Tom is now firmly planted against the door tapping violently on it with his palms.

"J.....Jasmine stay calm, its alright, your not in danger here, just calm down, take calming deep breaths with me, James will be here soon. He presses himself closer to the door and looks as though he is wishing he could turn inviable as he speaks, he is now sweating a little and shaking slightly which I didn't even know werewolves could do and I didn't think I shouted loud enough to scare him. I am also not sure why he is telling me to be calm when he is so clearly anxious.

"do you not understand? She is the danger here not me!" I don't quite know how I moved but I now realise my bare feet are stood on the moss and I have my hand gently wrapped around toms forearm as I step closer towards him.

"J....jazz ....I... What are you?" tom says nervously with his face pale and his back now so firm its trying to press through the door. I step into his arms now, he towers over me but I manage to press my face into the crook of his neck inhaling deeply. He smells like the forest first thing in the morning but now he also smelled petrified. I place my hands around his back and pull him close in a hug.

"i am sorry Tom, I am so sorry." I snivel helplessly and he takes a very deep breath before hesitantly putting his arms around my shoulders.

"it will all be alright, we will fix this." he says smoothing my hair and calming me. My heart aches for James but right now I am thankful for comfort of any kind. I take a small step back from Tom and sit on the dingy cot thing that now has broken chains hanging loosely over the edges. I wipe my eyes from the gathering tears and without even realising I sigh with relief when they are normal tear colour.

"i will get James, just hold on a moment." Tom says rushing out of the room and slamming it behind him. I sit nodding in the now silent room, well silent except for the reverberating clang of the door. I suddenly begin to feel exhausted and I sit there for so long I loose track of time before finally James comes rushing into the room.

"oh James!" I exclaim as I throw myself into his arms and he holds me tightly as he kisses my head and rubbing my back.

"shh, shh its going to be okay he mumbles into my neck.

I try to smile at him but I am not sure I pull it off as it feels more like a grimace.

"James what is going on why am I here? Why was I chained to a bed." I say while clinging to him although he was my lifeline, well I suppose right now he is really.

"its okay, your down here so you don't accidentally hurt yourself or others, I am here now it will be okay, get some sleep you will wake up feeling better." he says as I feel a sharp scratch at the back of my neck,

"James what did you?" my world begins to fade black again as I focus on James and see the tears staining his cheeks.

"i am sorry, rest." he says as I am laid back on the cot and everything disappears. 

Hybrid (Argon pack Book 1) MATUREWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt