Movie Theater

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(Author's Pov)

"Yah! Hyemi what took you so long!" Hyemi ran towards her two friends holding her purse tightly by her side. She let out a breath when she arrived in front of the two. "I'm sorry guys I had to help my brother with homework. But it took longer than expected.' Hyemi smiled at the two playing on her ponytail slightly. Minji and Sooyoung just sighed at their friend's behavior. "How is Seok doing anyway? That little cutie." Minji pinched her fingers together while imagining the little boy in front of her. Hyemi smiled at her friend's behavior before realizing that they might be late for their movie. "We have to get into the screening room in less than a few seconds!" Hyemi grabbed her friend's hands and ran towards the room their tickets lead. Unfortunately for them, there seemed to be 3 boys who blocked the door to the room that would be displaying their movie. Hyemi cursed under her breath when she saw Jungkook. He smirked crossing his arms around his chest. "What a coincidence that the six of us are here watching the same movie." You looked at Sooyoung who just looked away and started to 'unsuspiciously' whistle. It was obvious that Sooyoung told Taehyung about your plans. But did he really have to bring Jungkook with him? Jungkook and Hyemi had an ongoing rivalry where they would see who could do what better. She wanted Jungkook to vanish but a part of her was ecstatic that he was here. Hyemi snapped herself out of her thoughts remembering that there was a Disney movie watching to be watched. And Hyemi loves her Disney so there's no way she's going to let this jerk ruin it for her. "Yeah, what a coincidence Taehyung. *coughs lightly glaring at the boy* But if you excuse me there's a Disney movie calling out my name." Taehyung pretended not to notice when Hyemi tried to throw him under the bus. But his eyes are glued onto Sooyoung, the pair making some googly eyes at each other. Hyemi tries to make her way through Jungkook but he only grips her wrist. "Why don't we watch a movie together?" Hyemi had no time to mess around with him anymore. She needed to see her movie and couldn't afford to miss any more than she already had. "Fine hurry up and get inside."

Hyemi pushed Jungkook in the theater not noticing the cute smile adorning Jungkook's face. Jungkook was able to spot some good seats near the back. The group was lucky when they decided to watch the movie at 11:40 pm. If they had come any earlier, the movie theater would be filled to the brim with kids. Jungkook entered the empty row holding Hyemi's hand, making her follow behind him. He took a seat making Hyemi sit beside him. Sooyoung sat beside Hyemi with Taehyung seated to her right. While Minji and Yoongi sat in the row in front of the four. Hyemi lightly tapped Minji's shoulder, obviously confused why the pair wasn't sitting in the same row as them. Minji blushed before whispering a response to Hyemi. "We got in the wrong row but Yoongi was too lazy to move rows." Hyemi gave Minji a teasing smirk before leaning back in her seat. Although she hated Jungkook, his friends weren't as bad. Jungkook and Hyemi had an ongoing rivalry where the two would compete in every sport and subject. He had also annoyed her every chance he got, causing her to hate him. But she couldn't help but feel something else towards him. Hyemi slipped off her black purse and put it on the side of her seat before paying attention to the screen. Hyemi had underestimated the number of ads that play before a movie and had believed that she missed the intro of the movie. But in reality, she had only missed one of the ads at the beginning of the movie. Hyemi rested her hand on the armrest next to Jungkook. But something she didn't expect was Jungkook intertwining their hands together. She tried to escape his grasp but failed miserably. "Let go Jeon!" She whisper-yelled at him not wanting to interrupt anyone in the theater. But there was only a middle-aged couple, a small family of 3, and their group. "No."

A cute smile was placed on Jungkook's face as he looked back at the movie. She chose to ignore Jungkook's skinship but deep down Hyemi felt something build up in the pit of her stomach. Her cheeks were tinted a shade of light pink but she only continued to focus on the movie. ..until she felt as if something was missing. "Yah, Jungkook." the boy turned his head to look at her with a curious expression. "Aren't we missing snacks?" Jungkook let out a breathy groan. "We should've come earlier.." Jungkook muttered under his breath. He and the boys were waiting in front of the theater for 10 minutes but they didn't have enough time to purchase snacks as they didn't know what time the girls would arrive. "Maybe Tae could get us snacks?" Jungkook called out to Taehyung asking to buy snacks for the group. "No Kook, its Disney!" The boy was a child at heart and had the same amount of love for Disney as Hyemi did." Jungkook looked at Hyemi's hand that was placed in his. "Please Tae? I'll pay." With those two words, Taehyung instantly got up with a mischievous smile. Jungkook let out a sigh of betrayal but still handed his card to Taehyung. He gave Jungkook a cute boyish smile before grabbing Sooyoung's hand and pulling her out of the room with him. Hyemi focused her attention back on the movie that was starting. But Jungkook being the annoying guy he was, kept whispering in Hyemi's ear trying to distract her.

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