12. Swapping Spit With a Floozy

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A/N//: I swear, I have an author's note in every chapter. But this one I really felt the need to write. First off. I'm sorry. It's literally been nearly a year since I updated. I'm a full-time college student, and yeah. I'm DYING with all of this shit they have us doing during the Coronapocalypse.

I began the adventure of writing the Academy of Submission over four years ago to the day. December 17, 2015. I was in my senior year of high school and was bored. I needed something to write, and this was it. It has been an interesting experience for me to explore a topic that is typically taboo to talk about. I enjoyed writing the Academy of Submission (AoS for short. I know I pretty much update three times a year (if that), but the support I get from my readers is amazing. Most of my readers are silent readers. I wish everyone commented more, but I understand books like this are a guilty pleasure at best. The comments I do receive make me so happy. I try to respond to them all. I receive so many votes and views, too.

I have 243k views and around 2,900 votes. I'm ranked number 11 in Academy. All of this keeps motivating me to write this. (That and I totally overhauled my plot notes for this today to make my life easier, which I've been meaning to do for months). Thank you so much for supporting me through all of this! Please don't give up on me because of my slow updates. I promise that I will finish (because I totally put this really great scene toward the end that I just can't wait to get to).

Thank you so much for reading! Please stay safe with the Coronapocalypse going on out there! And without further ado, chapter 12.

It was morning. Amelia could only tell by the narrow streaks of light that managed to creep through the cracks in her curtains. She lay on her back in her bed with the blankets half-covering her and her sleepy grey eyes staring at the ceiling. By the pale light that filtered into her room, she could tell that it was early morning, too early for her to be awake on a day she didn't have class, even. She craved going back to sleep, and even though her routine nightmares had subsided, sleep just wouldn't come.

Her mind was making attempts to wraps itself around the stupid decision she had made nearly a month ago now. She understood why Eve had gotten herself thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Humans were too quick to obtain what they wanted. They offered up things that should never be wagered in return for something that lasts only a few minutes at best. Eve traded paradise for an apple, and Amelia had sacrificed her soft, virgin nipples for a fucking orgasm. And apparently, from what she had been told by various others at the Academy in the last four weeks, it wasn't even the best orgasm a woman could get. She could have traded several vaginal orgasms for this piercing rather than a single clitoral. Bullshit. There were innies and there were outies. Christopher had definitely gotten off easy and caused an outy.

Amelia sighed gently. What was done was done, and she knew very well that she couldn't back out of her agreement with Christopher. She could procrastinate and push it off for as long as she possibly could, but in reality, what really did she have to lose? It was an experience she would never have gotten back home. She was free to do a lot of what she wanted her to her body. She didn't have to ask for her parents' permission. She was sure that with a little bit of coaxing, Chris would let her get a tattoo.

Amelia pushed back the covers on her bed and sat up, rubbing at her bleary eyes. Yeah, it was early. The harsh red numbers on her alarm clock told her that much. Six a.m., but there was no way she'd get back to sleep. She figured she might as well get up and start her day. She threw her legs over the side of the bed and let her toes skim over the soft carpeting. She pulled herself to her feet and gravitated to the full-body mirror in her room. Beside it was the light switch. She flipped it on and squinted at her reflection in the sudden brightness. Her reflection stared back at her. There were dark circles under her eyes, probably from the nightmares she had had over the course of the last month. Her hair was a tangled mess, too. She hadn't bothered to take her ponytail out from the day before. Now all that was left of it was a hair-tie knotted into the ends of her hair. The color was badly fading, too. When she had first gotten here, she had lovely bluish-grey pewter color. Her roots had been a darker navy. She had been here since late August. It was now mid-October. Her natural brown roots had grown out. The pewter color had begun to fade to blonde. It was honestly a hot mess. She raked her fingers through her hair with a disappointed look. After snagging the hair-tie from the ends of her hair, she knotted it up on the top of her head into a bun. Out of sight, out of mind.

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