5. Millie and Mosey

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Amelia forced out a grin as she dealt with the sudden sensations between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together tightly, her fingers pressing against her bare skin until they were white. She didn't understand why now, of all times, Christopher decided to up the settings. He was probably trying to catch her off guard whilst she went about her day. That fucking prick.

"Hello, Amelia," the delicate girl said softly, a soft crescent of a smile ghosting her features. "Where's Mr. Alexander? Did he let you off on your own?"

Amelia nodded vaguely, only half paying attention to the little blonde girl. She was too concerned with concentrating on keeping a straight face. The sensations the vibrator caused were too strong, too thrilling. She didn't want Moira to know about her predicament. It was such an embarrassing situation, but with the way her dominant acted towards her, she wouldn't have been surprised if he hadn't done it to her already. Speaking of Erik... Amelia didn't see him around. She was glad of the fact, but that also left Moira alone. That wasn't something Amelia expected of the man. He seemed to want control over Moira at all times.

"Where's Erik?" she asked bluntly, ignoring the formalities she should have been using. She had no respect for an abusive man like him. "It doesn't seem like him to leave you to wander alone. He seems kind of mean."

"He's off getting a massage or something like that," Moira said softly. "You know, he's not always like this. He's nice... When he's not drinking. He treats me well when he's sober, but the second he gets alcohol in his system, he gets... Violent."

Amelia wrinkled her brow at both the vibrator as it continued to pulse on as well as Moira's statement. "Was he drinking yesterday when I met him?"

Moira nodded gently. "Yes. He had me dress up and serve him hard liquors. He can certainly hold his liquor. After as much as I gave him, any normal man would have keeled over... He got violent when we got back, too. Any little thing will set him off when he drinks, and he usually takes it out on me."

"Then why don't you just leave him? Isn't there a clause in your contract that says you can leave?" Amelia asked.

Once again, the thin girl nodded. "Yes, but he always apologizes the next day and begs me not to leave. I've nearly done it before, but... He just seems so sincere and promises he won't do it again. I can't just leave him broken and drunk. I want to try and help him."

Amelia was pissed. She was actually fuming. She was angry with Moira for not leaving the sick bastard after the first time he had gotten drunk. "Moira, this isn't part of your contract. He can't just beat on you. It's sick..." the girl said, running a hand through her pewter locks. "He's not going to change. I know that much. Please. You need to leave him."


"He's just going to get- Okay?"

"Yes. Okay. I'll leave him."

"That was simpler than I thought it would be," Amelia admitted, a satisfied expression crossing her painted features.

"I don't like that he hurt you either, Amelia," Moira said, letting her fingers brush Amelia's jaw where her bruises showed proudly.

"You can call me Millie. It's what my friends back home used to call me," she said.

Moira's exhausted features brightened at the suggestion. She nodded eagerly. She seemed pleased to have the title of friend. "My Grandpa used to call me Mosey. It's not much of a nickname, but if you want to call me that."

Amelia gave the girl a faint smile just as the vibrator settings got jacked up for the second time. She wanted to curse out loud, but she refrained. She didn't need to let Moira know that there was anything amiss. The poor girl already had enough on her plate. But she also wanted to have a conversation with her without the fucking vibrator raging on between her legs. She needed to take it out. And she was going to. Yes. She was going to cheat. She was going to get rid of the misery in her body and cheat her way through until dinnertime.

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