8. Suspension

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Something was blaring. It was one of those annoying ringing sounds. No. It was more like a beeping. A loud, annoying beeping. And it wouldn't go the hell away. It dragged Amelia out of the restless sleep she had been experiencing. Her gray eyes cracked open and she stared into the semi-darkness. The sun had hardly risen over the horizon. Why the hell was she awake? She let her gaze wander from the window to the clock that was sitting on her bedside table. That was what was blaring. It was an alarm clock. She didn't even know that that thing had that function. God, she wished it didn't. Her question was, why the hell was it on? Why the hell was it going off at... 6:30 a.m. And again, why the hell was she awake. She wasn't in high school anymore. She sure as hell didn't set that damn thing up before she went to bed. She had managed to sleep in until at least ten for the last few days. Why was it going off now? Actually, that was her second question. The first: when the hell had it gotten there? She didn't remember having one of those when she went to bed. She wouldn't be surprised if a certain blond male with loose curls put it there when she was in the deepest reaches of her nightly hibernation.

Her bedroom door opened and in poured light from the hallway. She squinted her eyes and stared at the silhouette in her doorway.

"It's time to get up, Amelia," Christopher's voice rang out.

She groaned audibly and feebly pulled her comforter over her head.

"Come on. You need to get up. You haven't got all morning."

She groaned again and pulled her blanket tighter around herself. There was no way in hell she was getting up before ten a.m. It was far too early to go perusing around the campus, anyway. Who else would be up? She was sure the cafe was closed until at least eight. There was no point in going anywhere else. As far as she knew, the academy didn't wake up until eight. She would join it happily after ten.

But, of course, Christopher had other plans. He always did. He couldn't sleep until noon like any ordinary boy his age. No. He was never one to go with the flow, as she was learning.

The comforter was tugged easily from her grasp. Amelia was hit with the cool morning air. She curled into herself and shot a glare at Christopher. If looks could kill, she was sure she would have had him keeling over. Instead, he looked down at her with amused satisfaction. Of course, he was enjoying this. To top it off, he even turned on the light. Fucking prick.

"Why do I need to be up?" she asked groggily as she rubbed at her bleary eyes. "It's only like. Six in the morning..."

"If you do recall, you attend an academy."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You have classes, of course."

Amelia groaned audibly. That was one tidbit of information she was glad had slipped her mind. Of course, she went to a school. She was still a high school student. She still had classes, and she assumed those classes were anything but normal.

"C'mon now. You're at least lucky that your foolish acts of bravery didn't deter you from starting the semester on time. I won't let you miss your first day."

Slowly, Amelia sat up in bed and stared at Christopher with a bitter expression. She was not a good waker, especially this early. Part of her wanted to throttle him, and part of her wanted to beg and plead to let her sleep in. She was sure after a while, her pleas would force him to give in, but she suspected that today was not that day. It was the first official day she'd be attending class, and he wasn't going to let her miss out on that. Not for the - what - second or third time? Yeah, there was no way.

The male smiled at her easily and walked to the closet. Amelia watched from where she sat, her gray eyes trained on him. What he was picking out for her to wear, she had no idea. She just hoped it had some coverage.

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