18. Papers and Pleasure

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A/N//: Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American readers! Here is your latest update. I wanted to get this up on Thanksgiving, but that didn't happen. I ended up cooking all day.

But. This is my longest chapter yet. Around 8.3k words. 16 pages. I really hope you like it. I was actually going to make this chapter and the next one all one chapter, but seeing as this was a beast already... I'll start working on the next chapter soon!


Amelia was crushed. Honestly, she was at a complete loss and had no idea what to do. She had been so sure she'd aced that paper. She poured her heart and soul into it. She'd gone to the library to do research. Chris had even helped her a little bit. They were both so sure she'd written a good paper on the use of titles within a BDSM relationship. But the big, fat whopping 'F' that glared back at her said otherwise. In the same red pen that the 'F' was written in, Master Lyonell had written the following:

Your argument was sorely lacking. You did not use grade-school vocabulary, let alone high school. Terribly written. I'm coming to expect very little of you.

She didn't know how it happened, but she knew that it wouldn't come without repercussions. Failed homework always concluded with a punishment from the Lion. This wasn't the first homework assignment she'd failed from him. She'd failed a few others, but they had been minor. She'd been told to write lines of all things. She'd hated every minute of it, but like the assignments, it had been minor. This was huge. This was a larger part of her grade. She knew she'd face a larger punishment to make up for it.

And she had to wait in agony until he finished passing back all of the papers to the rest of the class. Her last name being early in the alphabet left her staring at that big, fat 'F' for what felt like an eternity. When Master Lyonell had finally made his way back to the front of the room, his eyes shift toward her and then two other students.

"Astonishingly, the majority of the class wrote excellent papers. What I didn't find so shocking, however," he said, "were the three students who managed to fail yet another one of my assignments."

Amelia had to bite back a groan of frustration. She knew the punishment was coming. She might as well brace herself for it.

The Lion didn't call her out, though, and while he rummaged through the bottom drawer of his desk, made her wait again in agony. She hated how he did this. He made them sit in suspense. From his desk, he pulled out three lumpy, white objects that made her heart sink.

What were they?

"My three that failed your papers, come forward, and claim your punishment."

Amelia rose from her seat and walked over to his desk slowly. She kept her eyes averted toward the ground, which she had learned was smart when it came to the Lion. She and the two others that failed the paper all stood before him.

"Your writing in these papers was childish. It was sloppy," he said.

Each insult he spoke stung. Her morale was sinking lower and lower. She'd tried so damn hard on that paper.

"And as punishment, you'll become what your shit papers depicted you to be."

The Lion held up the items that were on his desk. If there was a Hell in this world, Amelia was sure that her heart just sank down far enough to reach it and knock on its door. Master Lyonell was holding up a diaper and a bib. He had said that their papers were terrible and childish, but she didn't realize... This was stooping to a whole different level of degradation and humiliation. Amelia wasn't much one for ageplay, and from the looks on her peer's faces, neither were they. It wasn't for everyone, and it didn't seem to be much for them, either. She heard a few quiet snickers behind them, and if Master Lyonell heard them, he didn't say anything.

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