19. Chastity, Darling

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A/N//: There are more pictures at the end, everyone! You guys said you liked some of the reference photos, so I've added some more. Enjoy the chapter.


"Stay quiet for now, Amelia," Priscilla said in that soft, comforting lilt of hers. "Just relax and rest for now. We can move when you're ready. Just take a while and relax in the after-effects of the scene."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Priscilla was quiet for a moment before her lilting voice filled the space again. "Do you want anything? A blanket? Some water?" she asked, her hands continuing those soft ministrations on her back.

Amelia, still in her daze, nodded her head. The warmth of a blanket, the feeling of water against her dry throat all sounded absolutely perfect in that moment.

"You need to use your words, little one," Priscilla said, and as an afterthought, added, "You may speak in the first person again. I know this is all a little overwhelming, and I'm not quite sure just yet what you need."

"Christopher usually gets me water and a blanket, and sometimes if I'm really out of it," she whispered, her voice a little hoarse from so many loud vocalizations, "he'll draw me a bath and wash my hair for me. That's my favorite."

"I can prepare that for you, little one," she said gently.

Priscilla nodded. They sat in the comfortable silence for a few more moments before Amelia admitted that she was ready to move. The older woman disentangled herself from Amelia and helped her onto the bed where she could relax a little more comfortably and covered her with a blanket. After several more questions about her state of mind and well-being, Priscilla finally left the room to run a bath in the ensuite bathroom. Amelia listened to the water run as her mind wandered over what had happened.

She didn't realize how easy it would be to slip into subspace with another person, but then again... This wasn't just any other person. This woman was someone that Christopher trusted with her. Amelia doubted that she'd achieve that level of bliss with someone that wasn't regarded with the same level of trust. She'd never be able to lose herself to all of those feelings. Priscilla returned to the room only a few minutes later and began to clean up the space post scene. Amelia watched with heavy lids as she did so with nothing in particular on her mind. It was nice to simply lay there and be.

When Priscilla finally roused her from her rest, she led her to the bathroom. Amelia very gratefully slipped down into the tub of water that was at the perfect temperature for her overly sensitized body. The older woman sat on a stool behind her. Amelia wasn't sure what words she was saying now; she had switched to her native, lilting Spanish as she ran her hands through Amelia's hair. It was calming, relaxing, everything that she needed in the aftermath of such an intense scene.


Priscilla left her alone in the bathroom to get dressed after her bath. Along with socks, a bra, and underwear, she'd left her with a simple change of clothes, black dress pants and a lavender blouse. She'd also left her with a pair of grey slippers to wear throughout the house. Amelia had combed and blow dried her hair before leaving the bathroom and joining Priscilla in the kitchen. She was at the stove, putting the finishing touches on Dinner when Amelia came in.

"I've finished getting ready for dinner, Miss," Amelia said softly as she stood in the doorway. "Do you need any help with dinner?"

Priscilla turned towards her and offered her a radiant smile. "No, thank you," she said as she started plating their meal. "Take a seat, Amelia. It's almost done."

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