4. She

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Oh, Amelia understood this game. She understood that it was going to be pure torture attempting to follow the rules. She had to last until dinnertime with this object, this vibrator between her legs. She was used to tampons and Christopher's fingers at this point, but never this. God, this was going to be the most uncomfortable feeling ever. The vibrator was no more than two inches wide at its thickest section. The thinnest it got was about an inch wide. It was tapered like a teardrop which made it seem easier to insert but not by much. The worst part, Christopher watched her put it in.

Amelia had turned to go back to her bedroom to give herself some privacy, but Chris had immediately objected.

"No, I did not tell you that you could leave," he said simply. "I want to be sure it goes in and that you don't have trouble."

The female nodded and swallowed gently. She slowly pulled down the leather panties to her ankles after unclipping the garter clips. If he wanted to see her do this, she was certainly going to put on a show. The female sat down on one of the kitchen chairs and spread her legs wide for him to see. Her eyes briefly glanced up to him, and he definitely was staring. She directed the tapered end of the vibrator towards her sex and slowly entered it. God, it was large, larger than anything she'd endured so far. She bit back a soft whimper and pushed the object completely into place. It felt completely foreign to her. There was a large vibrator between her legs, and she was not pleased with the idea of walking around with it in until dinnertime. It was what she had to do, though, to keep her virginity intact. Amelia stood once more and slowly pulled up her panties, wiggling her hips slightly. Just as she put the garter clips back into place she felt it. She felt a strong vibration pulsing through her womb. She sucked in a breath and clenched her fists against the feeling. She had to admit. She kind of liked it.

"That's for being the tease that you are," Christopher said. He then held up a small device in which she assumed was a remote.

Of course, he has a remote. If he is going to torture you for the day, he's going to do it his way. The fucker.

"I'll be in control of this. If I see you're well behaved, I'll lower the vibration setting. If you get on my nerves, I'll raise it to the highest. And believe me, you won't last long under the highest setting."

Amelia nodded gently as he slowly decreased the vibrations pulsing through her. A breath of relief she hadn't realized she'd been holding flooded from her lungs. "Yes, Sir."

"Today we have some appointments to go to. At the Academy, they have a full staff of doctors, personal trainers, stylists, you name it," Christopher explained. "Some of these appointments are for you and some are for me. During one, in particular, you'll be able to go to the cafe. I'll join you thereafter."

Amelia nodded once more. "Yes, Sir."

The male walked past her into the living room. Amelia followed him, her stockinged feet soundless on the carpet. He opened the door that led outside. There would be no shoes for the day. It was a pity. The female followed him out, surprised at his lack of the use of a leash. He had used one the day before to tow her around. What had changed his mind today? Maybe yesterday he had wanted to show her off, to make sure she wouldn't run. He hadn't even put her in those leather cuffs she had been told to wear the day previously. Yesterday she was a prisoner. Today she was a hooker.

The female padded soundlessly behind him as he took a varying amount of different halls. The school was enormous, and Amelia had no idea how she'd ever figure out each twist and turn. Christopher, on the other hand, seemed to have no problem navigating the dark, cold corridors. He walked with a certain grace and ease throughout the building that Amelia could not rival. She wrinkled her nose slightly but followed on. She made a few attempts to make out where they were going, but she just began to confuse herself. The halls all looked the same... How this dominant figure that walked in front of her had figured it out, she had no idea. She would need a GPS to navigate this place adequately. It was terrible that she didn't have service in this place. The administration could have at least given her a map. What she would do to have the Marauder's Map right now...

The Academy: EnsnaredTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon