13. Sarcastic and Disrespectful

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A/N//: Look at me go, dear readers. Two updates in less than a week. Literally, the only reason I got this far was because of Sissy and my Silent Flower. They've sat here with me for the last four days, brainstorming. I'm happy to say that AoS will probably come out to be like... 37 chapters in total. I have a long road ahead of me, but I finally feel like this is coming to a conclusive, somewhat well-rounded story. Enjoy chapter 13.

ALSO. Someone totally made a comment and deleted it. That comment was going to make my entire day. Something about getting excited about this and telling a husband or something. If you don't want to keep the comment on the story, please DM it to me, whoever you are! I was so sad when I didn't get to finish reading it cause it was soooo funny. Kay thanks. Nooow enjoy 13.

"How long did they say you had to keep the bars in before you can change the ring?"

"Three to six months. I'm leaning toward the six."

"It's October, 'Melia. That means we have to wait until," Christopher paused to count out the months on his hands. "April to do any form of nipple play."

Amelia rolled her eyes with a gentle shrug of her shoulders before gently pulling a t-shirt over her head. She had taken off her dress and tights as soon as they got in the door. Looking nice in public was one thing, but they were in the apartment. She had every intention of being lazy post piercing.

"You originally suggested this."

"That's true," he said. "But you agreed. And I didn't say that you could put those away yet! I was still looking."

She giggled before walking into the kitchen to put away the groceries that were still sitting peacefully on the countertop.

"And I didn't ask," she said, glancing back at Christopher, who had followed her into the kitchen.

"You know, us dominants usually punish unruly submissives who can't follow orders," he said with a quirked brow and a smirk.

Amelia brought the bag of groceries over to the fridge and started unloading the vegetables into the crisper drawer at the bottom.

"Then punish me, Daddy," she said with a devilish grin.

"I'd be happy to oblige," Christopher said with a grin that rivaled her own if not surpassed it. "If you want me to be serious, I can be serious."

Oh, sweet Mary and Joseph, what did she get herself into. She had a feeling that that smile meant business. Amelia closed the drawer slowly in the fridge after she put the last of the vegetables away and then stood.

"I didn't mean that you actually had to punish me, Sir," she said.

God, she was eating her words, something that she'd never normally do, but she could only imagine what he'd do. He was in a good mood. He might want to experiment. Not that she was exactly opposed to the idea. But she couldn't let him believe that. She figured it would be more fun to mess around.

"First, she does something without being told to," Christopher said with a slight shake of his head and a gentle tsk. "Then, she so sarcastically and disrespectfully calls me Daddy without meaning it. Oh, what will I do with this naughty submissive of mine? I think I'll humor you with a punishment."

She shook her head, biting back a smile that threatened to spread its way onto her lips. She had to admit, it was a tad thrilling to push his boundaries. She backed away from him, only to find that she was met with the countertop. Fuck. Christopher advanced on her. In one fell swoop, he managed to scoop her up and toss her over his shoulder. She let out a loud squeal of surprise before promptly beating her hands on his back for a second.

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