7. Nightgowns and Nightmares

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And maybe not into the room of kinky fuckery. The change of direction was something she had not expected. She had started towards that crimson-colored room, but Christopher had redirected her. He was very quick about it, very subtle. He simply nudged her in a different direction by placing his hand to the small of her back. He guided her down the hall towards the bedrooms. It was actually in the opposite direction of his strange, little room. Amelia was incredibly confused. The bathroom was not where she had expected to go. She had expected his little red room or maybe even his bedroom, but the bathroom? What kind of punishment could he inflict in a bathroom?

Yes, this was a curveball thrown at her, but she didn't bother to say anything. She was already in trouble with Christopher as it was. She simply remained quiet. She turned the handle on the bathroom door and stepped inside. The black tile of the floor was cool on her bare feet. Chris followed her inside and shut the door gently behind her.

"Take off your clothes," Christopher said in an eerily calm voice. It was the calm before the storm. She was sure of it.

Amelia nodded and slowly began pulling off her clothes. She was confused, but she kept silent. She had to. She wasn't going to make the situation worse by opening that big mouth of hers. Behind her, she heard Christopher turning on the shower. Why he was doing that, she had no idea. Was it some sort of water play? She had heard of that before, but she'd never done it. Hell, she hadn't done half of what they did at this school, and she wasn't quite sure that she wanted to.

Once she was good and nude and Chris had checked the temperature of the water, he beckoned her close.

"Amelia, do you know why you are being punished?"

The girl nodded hesitantly.

"And why is that?"

"Because I spoke out of turn towards another dominant."

"Precisely. Do you understand why, even after your attack, I still must punish you?"

"No, Sir, I do not."

"I have to punish you because I need to ensure that you won't speak out of turn to another dominant again. You may not to Erik because he poses a threat to your wellbeing. You do have a very independent nature, though. I don't want to take that away from you," he said. Amelia couldn't help but snort. Take away her independence? That's all these idiots have done since she got there. Christopher shot her a look that sent her back to her silence. "I don't want to take that away from you, but I also want to teach you to respect others. Him hurting you was not my choice of punishment. My punishments will never leave you with fully or semi or demi-permanent damage more than a bruise. I want you to understand what a punishment is and is not. It's not beating you until you're unconscious or throttling your or anything like that. Do you understand?"

Amelia paused to stare at Chris. He seemed desperate to make her understand. His hands clutched her shoulders tightly. His lips pursed into a tight line, waiting for her reply. For some reason, he seemed to care about this. He wanted her to understand for some reason. She understood that he wanted her to understand punishments. What she couldn't wrap her head around was why he was so passionate about it. She nodded anyway.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good," he said. He seemed to recollect all of his composure. "And as punishment, you will spend three minutes in the shower."

Okay. He wanted her to clean up? That wasn't terrible at all. There had to be a catch. Amelia nodded for a final time and swallowed. "Yes, Sir."

Slowly she slid open the door to the shower and stepped inside. She gasped in surprise. Christopher had failed to mention one crucial piece of information. He had failed to mention that this would be an icy cold shower. She stepped near the cold spray of water.

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