9. Limitations and Degradation

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A/N//: This chapter is dedicated to a certain silent flower. I can't name names because of the integrity of the reader. But. Thank you for inspiring me to keep writing this chapter, and getting me back into the swing of things!

"Not in your wildest dreams, Daddy."

Christopher snorted and his hands fell down away from Amelia's breasts. He was done rubbing the baby oil into her tender skin. She hated to admit to herself that she wished he hadn't stopped. Such traitorous thoughts. In order to hide the growing embarrassment on her features, Amelia made a move to replace her bra over her freshly oiled breasts. They had suffered enough of Christopher's abuse, and she figured they deserved a little coverage. Just as her fingers were to brush the fabric, it was snatched away.

"I think you're too young for this," Christopher said lightly.

"I'm sorry?" Amelia asked, quirking one of her brows upward. She was too young to wear a bra?

"Yes. I mean, I am your Daddy, and I do make the rules for my little girl, do I not?" he asked with a smirk that rivaled none.

Oh, no. She was treading in dangerous waters now. She hadn't meant for him to take the title with such... How could she describe it..? Gusto? She didn't want him to actually refer to himself like that. She was only trying to be sassy. Oh, he had taken it the wrong way. She was not comfortable with any form of ageplay, but that didn't seem to be what Christopher wanted to test.

"Besides," he said, swiftly coming to his feet. He held out a hand to help Amelia up as well. "We're far from done. I've still got time to play around with you. We'll test the Daddy complex another day, though."

Her stomach dropped as she took his hand and was pulled to her feet. She had to tread lightly. She had little knowledge of this world and lifestyle. He could have had anything in mind for her to endure that day.

"I want to see how you and your body reacts to certain treatments. That is the entire point of testing your limitations. Now, I know you already suffered through a portion of a day with a vibrator here-" His fingers pressed against her sex in a gentle sort of way. "But I want to see how long you can last with just a standard plug. You'll be wearing one throughout the day."

Amelia's eyes widened in protest. "I thought you said I'd only have to if I spoke during the-"

"I said you'd be wearing two, and that was all you'd be wearing. I'm not doing that now, but if you want me to, I can make that happen," he said, staring at her with a dark intensity. Amelia promptly shook her head. "That's what I thought."

"This isn't much in the ways of testing your limitations, but it will begin the process of stretching your vagina just a bit. You're a virgin to most things, sex included," he said softly as he walked to his chest of drawers full of toys. He dug through it and returned with a simple, silver item. From what she could gather and what he had said, it was a plug. "This one is about the same size as the vibrator you had used, but it's still going to be a bit rough to insert. You endured it before, but it's been a few days since then. You've got to restretch yourself and continue stretching yourself, or, because you've got little experience with any sort of sexual act, your opening will revert back to its normal size. Are you ready?"

Amelia nodded vaguely. "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose, Sir. I don't get a choice in this matter, do I?"

"Oh, you do, but I doubt you're actually going to disagree with me..." he said, his fingers slipping down the front of her panties once again. And she didn't. She didn't argue as his fingertips gently ran against her entrance, and she let out an involuntary shudder of pleasure. Christopher smiled at this. "I'm not going to force it on you. I plan to work you up until you're ready to come, and then I'll leave you hanging, but the same rules apply as before. You will remain silent. Do you understand?"

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