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40|hold me

40|hold me

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Please read this with the song above, or just play any other romantic song you have. I promise it makes the mood. I recommend sweet night too. Enjoy.

It was just another average Monday evening. He couldn't say the same for the morning that he had previously experienced. You were still on his mind. The taste of your lips tainting his own and your semblance glued to his mind. It was all he could think of as he made his way to the dance studio for extra practice. He needed to clear his head, and he couldn't come up with a better way to do so.

Throwing his coffee in the bin right outside the studio, Jimin walked in with his body ready to crumble. It was his third coffee that day but it seemed no ammount of caffeine could take place of what he was actually deprived of. 

Walking in, there was no one there. No one other than Juwon who seemed to be on his way out. He shot the boy a  smile before exiting, on a rush. Jimin didn't mind though. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone anyway so it was better that way. He could let himself go, let his body loose to do it's own thing. 

He put on the stereo, playing his favourite chill, melodic tune and eagerly took his jacket and shoes off. His limbs took control a mere second later . There was nothing else; him and the music. The air was there too, a soft breeze flying through his hair. He got lost, like he always did though this time Jimin felt frail, broken down. It was emotional. The tears rimmed his eyes but he didn't let them escape. Perhaps because it felt as if this time he was losing something else too. He stopped, breathless, pulling at his hair, growling as he went insane. He couldn't get rid of the thought of you, of you being out of reach, away. He growled under his breath, or whatever was left of it. Standing there, music fading in the background, the boy fell apart. He crumbled to ruins. Especially when he thought he'd heard you voice.

I really am going insane. You spoke.

"Jimin" You spoke behind him. His back was turned to you but it was visible how weak he looked. "Park Jimin".

Jimin slowly turned. It sounded too real for him to be making it up. He'd had some pretty vivid dreams before, though not like this. Never like this. It brought chills down his spine.

Eyes glassy, the boy raised his gaze to meet your face. He couldn't quite comprehend the situation but like a magnet drawn to metal he stepped closer to you, only an inch away, reaching his hand out to touch you, just to make sure you were tangible, that you wouldn't fade away. 

When his hand came in tact with your skin, the boy froze. Time froze too. It had been running like crazy before but it seemed to have stopped for the two of you. As if this liaison was created by nature, and it was adding the magic for you to mend all of your past faults and mistakes, wounds that would otherwise be deemed incurrable. 

"You're real" A tear escaped his eye. 

You cracked a smile, placing your palm on his that was settled on your cheek. You nodded slowly. 

Then the boy smiled too. Brightly, but still fragile. "Fuck you're real". He switched between your eyes, taking in the beauty they held. 

You moved closer, placing your forehead onto his. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked, voice so low it could barely be heard.

"What do you think?" Your lips lingered over his, and Jimin felt himself detach from the ground. He closed his eyes, and with a swift move you attached your lips. The kiss was like a finely tuned  guitar, hearts like drums beating together, lips moving together as if they were made for eachother. It tasted of mint and unspoken words. Of salt and tears, emotions no sentence formed could explain better. His warmth was healing. Feeling his insides tingling, Jimin pressed his body onto yours, the moment turning heated in a flash. It was now lust, rush, spark. Your back smashed onto the wall, Jimin trapping you between his strong form. 

It didn't take long for the flames to swallow you whole.

"I love you" You muttered, breathless and disheveled. 

Jimin couldn't quite place what you had just said. He wasn't sure he'd heard correctly. His head was still in the clouds, and the mere whisper you'd outed could be hard to decipher in his state. 

He cocked his head to the side.

You locked eyes with his, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling his closer. "I said I love you, Park Jimin".

The sensation that overcame him was insane. In his sweaty, messy form it was hard for him to collect his thoughts. He touched your lips, and simply he spoke the first thing in his mind, no, in his heart. "You drive me insane, Han Sooyun".

You kissed him again, though it was sweeter this time. It was chilling, happy, ecstatic. Formed by all the positive feelings it could grasp. 

"I really thought I'd lose you you know" You pulled away.

Jimin turned your chin softly, forcing you to look at him. 

"I" He tried to hear himself over his beating heart. "I was fucking teriffied" He broke into a shy smile. 

You smiled too. So much it reached your eyes, wrinkling underneath. You fell into him, wrapping your arms tightly around him, letting yourself go. "Hold me". You said when you saw he didn't move.

Jimin was taken aback by the simplicity of what you had done and hesitantly embraced you. He felt himself untense, let you swallow him whole. 

It'd been long since he was so serene. 

Maybe that was the beauty of it. 

He prayed upon a celestial being that he could stay in that moment for a little longer, so he could save it in his mind. 

"I love you too" He whispered, and his heart pieced together again.


How was this? Gosh I'm so sappy. I was listening to all these romantic songs I couldn't stop myself.

Only around 4 chapters left (maybe less actually im not sure) so look forward to them!


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