thirty three

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Jimin stared at himself in the mirror.

He had woken up from a very disturbed sleep, unable to rest his eyes for majority of the night until his body had given up from exhaustion. His thoughts had taken over his mind, haunting him in a form of an awoken nightmare.

He ran his hand through his hair softly. His dark roots had started to show inbetween his bleached blonde hair and faded pink colour. He took his rough appearance in. The dark circles beneath his eyes tainted his skin and his messy hair ruined his soft image. The fatigue overcame him, and it was visible not only in his fragile exterior, but in the drowning emotion he felt. He couldn't look at himself; It reminded him of all the pain he had gone through these past few weeks.

He chugged his cup of coffee, standing up decisively, already dressed, and running out of the house. It was still early. If he got out now, he could find an empty spot in a salon. He didn't have an appointment, but he decided he would wing it. He would call his stylists first, and he was hoping he would take him in on such a short notice.

Jimin locked his apartment door behind him, throwing a cap onto his head to hide his messy hair and trekked down the stairs while dialing a number. He pressed his phone onto his ear.

"Hello?" A soft female voice was heard after the third ring.

The cold air hit him when he exited the large building. The day was nice, warmest day in the early Spring, and it made Jimin smile.

"Tina!" His voice went up an octave. "Please tell me Hyeyong is there".

Tina cuckled. "I'll put him on the line".

Jimin took in his surroundings. He was approaching the Gangnam river, his favourite place in the city, and the atmosphere brightened significantly as the air lightened, the breeze mild.

Tina's shouts were heard over the phone. The signal shook.

"Jimin, how can I help you on this fine day?" Hyeyong joked.

"Oh it certainly is a fine day Yong" He sneekily predisposed for his scheme. Hyeyong remained silent. "Well, I need to come in. Trust me, It's urgent".

"When do you want to come in?".

"How about right now?" Jimin asked, already on the way. It was more of a soft plead. Jimin had a strength in being subtle, atleast when it came to
talking others into doing what he wanted them to.

Hyeyong huffed. "Okay, come in, but I can't promise I won't strangle you when you do".

"Already on my way" Jimin replied, trying to keep his calm while ending the call. When he did, he started jumping around happily at his accomplishment. He ran across town, lips turned up into a bright smile. People must've thought he was insane, but in reality, he wasn't sure if that wasn't accurate.

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