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Jimin hadn't slept well that night. His memory would refuse to throw away the thought of his lips on yours and his body couldn't help but feel the jitters moving down his spine all day long. So as he lay awake in bed, coming to the conclusion that he wouldn't sleep that night, Jimin let his mind create the pictures he so eagerly wanted to see.

Tap tap tap.

He reached his hand out to grab the coffee from the glass table next to him, his foot constantly tapping against the tiled floor. He took a long sip of the warm brown substance, laying his head back as he felt the caffeine run through his veins. He needed something to keep him awake.

He tried to fight the urge to get up and run toward you, to do anything stupid that would cause himself to lose it and make a mess, but stood up before he could even think about turning back, his cup falling down, the coffee spilling all over the floor. He picked up his jacket from the hanger next to the door, took his keys out and exited the house as fast as he could.

He didn't care about anything at that moment. About his phone ringing, about the street lights flashing red, nor about the fact that he was chaotically rushing through the masses of people on the street. He had his eye on the mission, and he wouldn't look away for a second.

A few minutes later, and with a heavy breath, he found himself standing outside his destination. The bookstore.

He entered in with a fast pace, looking around to find you.

"How can I help you?" A man came walking out of an isle, his gaze sharp as he looked up to see Jimin standing infront of him. "Oh".

"Well, hello there Changho" Jimin said with a bright smile. He leaned onto the door.

"Hello..." Changho muttered with a look of confusion. Did he really not know who he was?.

"I'm Jimin" He walked to the counter, holding his arm out for a handshake. "I believe we haven't officially met".

He nodded sharply, hesitantly shaking his hand. There was something nasty in the way he looked at him. Jimin didn't like that.

"Yeah, I know" Changho replied calmly, stacking up the books on the counter and picking them up.

Jimin's face fell. "Oh well I thought...".

"Yeah..." Changho moved out of the desk and walked towards a random shelving unit where he placed the book into their respected places.

Jimin collected himself again, following him in the empty store.

"Sooyun isn't here right?" He asked hesitantly. Changho seemed to freeze.

"Does she look like he's here?" He asked back, making Jimin internally facepalm. "Okay, yeah right...".

He was risking it all, saying this. But Jimin didn't have the patience nor the time to be descrete. "Well...I bet you know where she lives". Changho looked straight into Jimin's eyes with a threatening stare, or atleast one he tried to cover.

"Yes". He replied sharply. He was trying to play it safe.

"Well, where does she live?" His gaze burned, so penetrating he couldn't look away.

Changho remained silent.

"Come on...".


The bell rung behind him, signalling that someone had entered the store.

Jimin contemplated for a second; maybe there was another way he could make him spill. After all, there was this little game called blackmail and it would certainly help his case.

"Okay then, how about this, you either remain silent and I drag this customer outside in the worst way possible, and I doubt anyone will walk in the store again". He paused. "or you give me her adress and I walk out as if nothing ever happened".
Just because Jimin said it, didn't mean he would actually do it. He wasn't that kind of person, but thankfully, Changho didn't know that.

Changho didn't reply, continuing to do his job.

"Okay then, I'll go take care of it". He walked towards the front again, welcoming a customer with a smile glazed with mischief. "Hello Madam..." He started.

"Jimin wait" He heard a man shout behind him, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

"The owner will be right on his way to help you" He turned around, but Changho stood behind him with a piece of paper in his hand, one he was holding onto very strongly.

"Now go" He did everything but actually push him out of the store, but Jimin didn't even care to stay for a second to come. His plan had worked. He proceeded to do what he initially went to do.

He looked at the adress on the paper, memorising it so he knew which way to go. He wasn't completely sure that it was correct, after all Changho could easily trick him, but it was all he had.

He made his way through curved roads and busy streets, finally stopping outside of a small building with a white brick wall and a black door. He looked at the adress on the paper again, making sure he was at the right place.

He took a deep breath, then knocked on the door, swinging his body back and forwarth in agony. The door swung open infront of him before he could run away in regret of his decision, revealing a girl with sparkling eyes and dark hair.

"J-Jimin?" You looked up, stepping out of your apartment so he couldn't look inside. You really didn't want him to see the state of this wreck. "H-how did you get here?".

"Hello to you too Sooyun" He flashed you his gorgeous smile, making you shake even more. You couldn't look at him in the eye after what had happened yesterday. "That's not important, I'm sure you'll learn soon enough anyway" He laughed under his words.

You still couldn't think straight. There were too many questions for you to ask. "And..." you scratched your neck nervously, "What are you doing here?".

"Well I can tell you if you are done interrogating me" He said humoresly, and you tried to compose your awkwardness.

"Well, I kind of have something to ask you" He muttered. This time he seemed to be the nervous one.

You nodded, waiting for him to say whatever it was he wanted to say.

"Will you- ehm, I-" He tried, but the words never seemed to come out.

It got him thinking, what was wrong with him?

He looked up, meeting you eyes. After a moment of silence, it just seemed easier. He got himself back.

"Will you go on a date with me?".

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