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You were ready to go anytime soon, just sitting on an uncomfortable chair at the waiting room while reading one of your heart-rending novels.

It seemed weird to you that you were finally going to go to Japan, you could finally take those pictures of Tokyo and the breathtakingly green landscapes you always dreamed of. It was unreal, you still couldn't believe it.

You heard a loud female voice echoing through the speakers, announcing that the passengers would now start boarding the plane.
Butterflies grew in your stomach as you walked further up the line, giving out your ticket and going down the corridor that led to the plane.

“Passengers Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin please refere to gate 6 immediately” The woman spoke through the speaker, warning the two guys that they would miss their flight if they didn't get there as soon as possible.

Jimin had started to freak out. He had forgotten his hand luggage somewhere around the airport, but he couldn't remember where. Him and Jungkook had split up, searching for it everywhere. So far, they had nothing. He sat down, giving up as he sat on a a random bench.

This can not be happening right now. He thought, leaning back and closing his eyes, calming himself as if it would help him remember the items whereabouts.

Jimin felt a familiar air around him, the presence of a tall, muscular boy. It was Jungkook, standing there, a big black duffle bag in his hand. He stood up quickly, grabbing the bag from his friend and hastily walking to the gate with Jungkook.

Thank god, he thought.

That bag, held every piece of dancing equipment that Jimin owned, everything essential for this trip. Without it, it would be pointless.

“Passengers Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin...” The woman repeated.

They stopped right infront of the desk. He passed his hand through his hair.

He sighed in relief, thankfully the gates were still open. He gave the tickets to the man at the desk, catching his breath after him and Jungkook had broke into an intence run to get there from the other side of the airport in time, their hair all over the place.

They got there just in time to catch their flight, entering the plane with a feeling of relief, an intensity that had yet to fade.

They made their way to their joint seats, Jimin accidentaly hitting somebody with his bag.

“I'm really sorry” He looked down, smiling at you, as he moved his bag away.

You looked familiar, he studied your features for a second, coming to a shocking realisation.

You couldn't really understand it anymore.

He was everywhere.

He moved his bag away, shooting you an apologetic look before moving forward, making his way to his seat along with the other dark haired boy.

Pinky was definetely a boy that you could watch over anytime, he seemed interesting, full of life, always handing out bright smiles at strangers who crossed his path. His friend also looked like a very nice boy, even though he gave you a more intense vibe, with his black clothes and taller figure, he was definetely a handsome one. All of them were, Taehyung too, who was fascinating and fun, maybe you would have another one of your peculiarly interesting chats one day, atleast you hoped you would. But when would the time finally come when you got to know the pink haired boy better? He was the one that left you awestruck.

You took out your book, settling on your seat as you thought about the trip more, getting overly excited.

It was time, and he was on the same flight, on the same day.

What were the odds of that happening?

Slight, even impossible, but as it seemed, everything was possible.

A thought popped into your mind. The brunnete, and pinky, as you called him, were the last ones to board the plane. The names called out on the speaker were Jeon Jungkook and Park something, you didn't quite remember the second one. So was the boy Jungkook? That was a nice name, even though it didn't seem to suit him too well.

Jungkook huh? How unexpected.

You smiled at the thought, someday you could learn his real name.

You looked forward to that day.

The engine started, the plane shaking as it got ready for take-off.

Your heart pumped loudly into your chest, like one thousand drummers playing the same beat.

You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.

This was it.


I'm sorry the chapters are smaller, but that's all that fits.

I hope you enjoy and I hope it was okay.

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