thirty four

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It wasn't supposed to happen. Not like this. Not this fast.

Jimin's eyes pierced through your soul. It was a look of despair that dictated him, but there were more raw feelings in the air as you shared a moment, high in eachothers eyes. His heart pounded loudly against his chest. You could hear it from the other side of the room. His breath unstable, sweat trickling down his face as he stood still. It was enchanting truly. He was enchanting. This was a new side of Jimin. Yes, he was hot, but the air inside the confined space screamed hunger, and lust. And that was exactly what you were, lustful.

You took a step closer to him, but he didn't move an inch. His gaze penetrating and venomous, but a good kind. 

His hair was the first thing you noticed when you finally looked away from his honey brown's. It glowed under the light, a bright colour like moonlace that stuck onto his forehead. Silver. A colour of grace and
elegance. It made Jimin even more alluring.

At that flash of a second, it felt like torture to try and keep yourself away, as if he was calling you, pulling you with an invisible string. And you ran; you ran like there was no tomorrow, and Jimin; he caught you, engulfing you in his strong arms as you wrapped your legs around his torso, tugging onto his wet hair. Your lips faught against eachother, but this was no blood-shed. It was two souls mending together with the fear of getting hurt once again. Your ego's were trying to hold back too. Even so, your minds were blank, caught up in the moment. Cherishing these precious seconds as they ticked away. It was like an adrenaline rush, high on emotions you couldn't control.

Neither of you could.

Jimin certainly couldn't. As his lips traced every inch of yours, he struggled to hold himself back. Because he'd missed you. Because he was mad. Not at you, at himself. Holding you for the first time in so long, remembering your taste even though it never faded from his memory, it angered him. He was a coward, and he'd let you go.

Your fingers traced the edges of his spine, and he held you up tighter against him, chills climbing up his body. He span you around. Your back hit the wall. Once you caught your breath, he kissed you again.

Every last trace of sanity dissapeared.

There you were; opening your heart to a man you had forbidden yourself to see. But the heart always found it's way back, and it found Jimin in the most unexpected place.

Too bad you weren't a person to listen to your brain over your heart, but this once you weren't so sure if you were sullen about it, or gratified by it.

You pressed your hands on his bare chest, feeling the muscles inside his damp shirt, and Jimin, he smiled against your lips. He moved away, his hot breath fanning your face.

Your eyes remained closed, and you weren't sure you could open them yet, let them see the light, let them see him. You foreheads touched, and when you finally saw the world again, it was right infront of you.

You smiled back at him.

Jimin let you down softly. You were grounded for a second, feeling your feet against the floor.

Dreamland didn't seem far.

Jimin thought so too.

It was wrong. Extremely wrong.
But it didn't feel that way. It felt too right to be wrong.

“Nice hair” You spoke, bursting into laughter from the tention in the air. It was the first sentence you had outed that evening.

Jimin rolled his eyes, but they still held an irreplaceable warmth in them. They had a unique streak of light right in the middle. “I'm happy you like it”.

You both breathed heavily, the only sound in the quiet room.

“Hey” He spoke softly. “Can we talk?”.

You felt your heartbeat on your chest at the sound of his sweet voice, of his words. “Sure”.

His lips turned up at the corners, and grabbing you by the wrist, he pulled you over to a small bench in the dressing rooms.

He took a seat next to you. You anticipated what he had to say. Jimin sighed, passing his fingers through his messy hair. “About the other time...” He started. “at the café...”.

That was when he reminded you of the worst image of him that you had. You had forgotten about it when you had entered, but it all came flooding back, and you weren't happy about it. At all.

“Yeah, you were a really big asshole” You rushed to speak.

Jimin nodded. He was aware of what he had done, and truth was, he hadn't been thinking straight. He wanted to apologise for it, and even if you didn't come running back to him, he felt it was an obligation to both of you for him to do it.

“I know” He breathed, holding his head low. “And I'm sorry, It's just...”.

You pressed your palm onto his thigh.
“Look, Jimin...”.

He turned to look at you. His expression held a sadness, and as much as you wanted to give him a hug and comfort him, you couldn't. You had to clear your head before hearing what he had to say. When you accepted his apology, you wanted to know what would follow. You only had one chance at this, and you didn't want to blow it.

“I can't do this right now”. You whispered, words fading at the end. It was one of the hardest things you ever had to do. You were putting yourself through hell, and Jimin...he didn't seem okay either.

“I don't know what I'm doing here right now” You stood. Jimin copied your actions. “I hope you understand”.

With a slow step, standing on your toes, your lips lingered onto the skin next to Jimin’s lip, right at the corner.

“Wait for me?” You whispered.

He smiled. Not a happy smile, but a smile. “always”.

You turned around on your heel. Jimin's eyes trailed on your back as you walked away. You felt more out of reach then you ever did, and Jimin’s heart sunk.

He spun around, hitting the wall, pressing his head against the hard cement, huffing loudly.

Always. He thought. Always.


Hi buns!
I don't know if this chapter was a bit confusing or not, and I'm truly sorry if it was. I hope you enjoyed either way.

All my love,

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