twenty nine

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Jimin hadn't been at his best state the past couple of days when all that was on his mind were the previous moments at the café. Plus, he hadn't heard from you nor seen you in days, and that certainly didn't please him.

The thing was, he had been an ass to you, and more so in his thoughts, and it scared him that it had pushed you away, that he had pushed you away because of that.

You were busy, he knew that, but it picked on his nerves that all those fun days you had had counted down to a minimal.

He couldn't read your thoughts either; Were you finding extra reasons to avoid him?.

With the likelyhood of that thought being real, he checked the time on his phone, or atleast that's what he fed himself to believe when in reality he was wishing to see you had left a message, anything, but was sad to see it remain blank and all he could see were the trees he had as his lockscreen.

Huffing loudly, he stood up and lightly jogged to the door where his denim jacket hung, walking out into the door way and locking his apartment behind him.

The chill air hit him unexpectedly when he finally exited the building. It was transitioning between seasons; winter to spring, and maybe it was about time he made a few changes aswell.

Sooyun. Sooyun. Sooyun.

There was nothing else on his mind as he reached the greenest of the stores, café des fleurs, a place where he had recently learned you hung out alot at.

His eyes roamed the peaceful space for an empty seat, passing over a few dozens of faces and colours that blended into nothingness.

“Excuse me Sir” Someone knocked him out of his thoughts. “You're blocking the entrance”.

He looked up to see a kind woman in uniform, smiling up at him. He took a step sideways. “Sorry, I was just looking for a place to sit”.

Have I really been standing there for that long?.

The girl patted his arm. “There's one right there”.

He nodded, following her line of sight and heading to the table somewhere in the front corner.

“What can I get you?”.

He spun the thought around in his head for a few seconds. He was starting to feel kind of hungry. “I'll have an orange juice aaaand a spinach pie”.

She wrote down the order, walking away.

Jimin looked around the place. It was fairly pretty, but there wasn't much more for him to say. He'd sat alone in cafés before, but this time it was lonelier than ever, and it might have been because he was hoping to see someone.

Then, you simply walked through the door, and Jimin fell still.

There were many wrong things he could do, and very few right ones, so he weighed all the options out in his head before even thinking of standing up.

Act natural.

“Sooyun” He muttered, palm lingering over your shoulder.

To you, the voice was oddly familiar, very sweet, and as much as it sent chills through your body, you had wished to avoid it's owner for a little longer.

You barely turned. “What is it Jimin?”.

“Can we talk?”.

“About what exactly?”.

Jimin glanced down at his chunky black shoes, clicking his toes together. “You know what”.

But to him, you didn't seem to be listening, ordering your laté to go with your face looking almost too calm.

“Sooyun, please”. He pleaded.

As much as you didn't want to, as stubborn as a rock, you had to hear him out, and you wanted to stay angry, but this boy standing infront of you with his faded pink locks, poked at all of your soft spots.

“Okay” You broke a small smile, which he reciprocated.

Taking your drinks in your hand, you walked ahead of him, prancing over to the table you had descretely seen him being sat at when you walked in.

The waitress followed the two of you, leaving Jimin's order on the surface infront of him. “Enjoy”.

How awkward you had wanted it to be at that moment, just so that he couldn't speak, so that maybe he hesitated a little, and maybe you could prove you were angry, but if you were being completely honest with yourself, you were both at fault, and the air around you fit that mood––not so to your liking––perfectly.

“Sooyun” He cut right to the chase, and your heart pumped a little faster at the sound of his honey-like voice. “I need to explain, and frankly, so do you”.

You swallowed loudly.

“Doyoon is just a friend, we used to dance at the studio together a little while back, but she moved away, she's gone”.

“That didn't seem to stop her” You replied nastily. “How did she even find you?”.

Jimin rolled his eyes. “Namjoon planned it. You see, he doesn't know too much about us, but what is there to know really?”.

Sitting there, head held up high,  you took a sip from your coffee, not daring to rid of the passiveness that covered your face, nor to hide the jealousy that was oozing out from your insides. “She likes you”.

“We're just friends”.

“I know women Jimin, we're evil”.

“Well, you don’t fucking know me”.

The atmosphere fell silent, the tension so high you could cut it with a knife.

You stared eachother in the eyes, the flames they hid battling one another to see which one could burn faster. “You don’t fucking know me” He whispered.

And then, out of complete impulse, he pulled his body outwards and placed his lips onto yours, giving you a sweet, angry kiss that made you melt under his touch.

He pulled away, just enough to take a breath, lips lingering over yours teasingly. “Be mine”.


...Hi buns🌱.

I'm so sorry for the wait, and If I'm not wrong this chapter is written a bit differently from the rest but I hope you like it. Forgive me for the long wait aswell; writers block, and simply lack of time with school (which is starting soon) and lessons and everything. But I hope you're all well and I hope you enjoyed!

Praying I can write this a bit faster now! Tell me what you think. ♡

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