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You were running around your hotel bedroom, trying to find everything that belonged to you so you could put it into your suitcase. Last minute packing wasn't your thing. Usually, you spent more time procrastinating about the idea of it, rather than actually completing the task. So now, with a space of two hours left until you had to go to the airport, you were panicking to get everything ready on time.

"Where is it..." You mumbled in frustration, looking around the room for your missing black heel.

You danced around to the low sound of the neighborhood playing in the background, reaching under the bed for your other shoe and placing into the suitcase.

"Finally" You said, jumping onto the bed after you had finished packing. Soon though, you stood up again, running into the bathroom to fix your hair and use the toilet. There were only fifteen minutes left until your long awaited trip back home.

Your taxi would be arriving any time soon, so you opened the long, white, wardrobe door, grabbing your jacket from the metall hanger that was attached to it. But as you took it off, you saw a gray item fall to the floor, one that you recodnised didn't belong to you.

You reached down to pick it up from the floor, feeling the soft material between your fingers. You sniffed it. It had a scent of maple and flowers, which was exactly the same smell that radiated off of Jimin whenever you went close to him. You smiled to yourself, shoving it into your bag and exiting the room along with the staff member that had come in to help you with your bags.

"Ready Miss?" The man asked, grabbing your suitcase from the floor while keeping the door open.

You nodded.

After sorting out your payment and giving in your room key, you walked out to the taxi, heading to the airport and eventually back home.

You were hoping you would see Jimin at the airport, but to your surprise, he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe this time, you wouldn't see him at all. That would probably be the first time in the span of a few months and it just didn't seem right to you.

You boarded your flight, your eyes scanning everyone and anyone that walked passed you just incase he happened to walk by, but for once, Jimin never came. You never locked eyes with him, never got the chance to scan through his beautiful physique and maybe even talk to him. That was a change, and you weren't too keen on changes.

You sat back in your seat, sighing heavily and slowly letting your eyes close as you fell into a deep sleep on your flight back home.


"Taxi!" you shouted, waving your hand out onto the street as you saw one approaching you. Almost immediately, an orange taxi stopped at the side of the street and agreed to take you to your destination.

Since you couldn't find Jimin anywhere that day, you decided to take action on your own. You would take a cab home, and then go straight to his place to hand the jacket over to him. You were lucky that you and him got to exchange your details before you left Japan.

"Where do you want me to take you now Miss?" The driver said with a wide smile spread onto his lips, and you gave him the address to Jimin's place.

You looked outside the car window, the vague images of the dark city dissapeared behind you at the speed of light. As you enjoyed the view outside, you were thinking about what would happen when you actually got to Jimin's. Since you hadn't planned ahead, you figured you didn't just want to knock on his door and find yourself panicking over not knowing what to say, like you were used to yourself doing.

Would you say "Hi Jimin, Here's your jacket"?. Would you just hand it over without saying a word? or would you elaborate?. None of them really seemed like the right option.

"We're here" The taxi driver announced. You immediately jumped out of your thoughts and stood up, taking the money out of your purse and handing it over to him.

"Have a nice night" You said, stepping out of the taxi.

"You too!" he smiled at you, and you shut the door behind you, watching him take off into the night.

And now...for the hard part. You thought, looking at the medium sized apartment with the gray exterior infront of you.

With a deep breath, you walked ahead and found yourself right outside of the apartment's door, hesitant to knock or ring the bell.

You can do this Sooyun... There's nothing to be nervous about.

You knocked sharply, waiting outside as the cold air feathered through your long hair lightly.

In a span of a few seconds, the door swung open infront of you, and as soon as Jimin turned his head around, you were faced with his confused gaze and soft brown eyes.

"H-hi Sooyun" He said with a hint of question in his voice, scratching his head awkwardly. "W-what are you doing here?". His arm seemed to close the door further, as if for you not to peek inside, like one did when they were hiding something.

"Oh..." The mood was awfully uncomfortable. "I-I'm just here to hand over your jacket. I never really gave it back to you".

He turned his gaze to the room inside. "Thankyou I guess". He replied, and took the gray jacket out of your hands as he smiled stiffly.

You stood out in the cold for a few seconds, not really looking at anything or saying anything at all. It was just weird if anything.

"I guess I'll get going now then" You said, hoping he would deny your suggestion and maybe even ask you to go inside. You weren't looking forward to walking back home in the cold.

"Yeah..." he paused "I guess".

And with that, you turned around, walking into the darkness and back to your house. Two loud voices heard from the apartment behind you.


I'm so sorry for dissapearing again. I'm the worst, I know. I also am aware that this chapter isn’t good at all but I have tried to write it so many times and nothing ever came out, so this will have to do.

Thankyou to anyone for sticking around to read this after all this time. Hopefully I will be out of my hiatus soon and maybe even write another chapter in the next few days?. How does that sound?

XO, Tata.

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