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As the days passed in a hurry, Jimin realised that ever since you had gone over to give him back his jacket, he hadn't seen you at all, and when he did, it was just a mere glimpse of you. He hadn't washed his jacket either; his strong scent had now been replaced by your airy and flowery perfume, and his longing for it grew by the day.

After dropping his mother off at her house, he decided he wanted to pass by the bookshop to see you. He missed you, there was no denying that he did, but Jimin wasn't sure whether you really wanted to see him.

So he figured, he just wouldn't tell you about it.

The bell at the door rang as Jimin entered the store, but you, having hearing it all day, never turned around to see who had entered. If anyone needed your help, they could just ask for it. It was a pretty busy day aswell, which had been pretty rare in the past few weeks. So busy that you didn't know who to assist first. Luckily, it had died down a bit in the evening.

Jimin walked around the store quietly, his khaki jacket hanging over his shoulder, making an unfortunate ammount of noise as it smashed onto the many shelves around him whenever he moved.

"How can I hel-" You moved over to the isle where the noise was coming from, but your voice was immediately cut off when you saw the back of a man with pink hair sticking out from under his hat and a figure that couldn't belong to anyone but one man. "Jimin?".

He turned around, looking at you with his hand lingering over the spine of a book in the literature section.

He acted as if surprised, lips slightly agape, eyes widened. Jimin knew exactly what he was doing though, and he was a hell of a good liar too. His acting wasn't too bad either.

"Sooyun?" Jimin acted shocked. "What are you doing here?".

You rolled your eyes. "I work here?".

He sighed loudly. "I mean, what are you doing here today, I thought Changho was working".

You swallowed harshly at his words. On the outside, there was still that sarcastic smile on your lips, but inside, you felt dimmer. It seemed as if Jimin was avoiding you, or atleast he wanted to. You, you had every reason to not want to talk to him, especially after his fishy behaviour that day.

What have I done wrong. You thought. Maybe he doesn't want to be seen with me? Talking to another girl perhaps...What would he want Changho for?

"Nah" You replied. There was a sickening, awkward silence.

Jimin looked around the many shelves, his eyes roaming every corner.

"Uhm..." He slurred "Could you get me that book please?".

You nodded, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Usually, being around Jimin didn't feel awkward or weird at all. If anything, you felt too comfortable whenever you were with him. Especially considering that a while ago, he was still a stranger. Ever since that incident at his house a few days ago though, Jimin had been on your mind every second of the day, and you weren't planning on talking to him for quite some time, atleast until you gathered your thoughts. You needed some space to understand what was going on in your mind, what your feelings were, what you were thinking... and Jimin showing up there out of the blue, it certainly didn't help your situation.

You picked up the chair from the other end of the wall, sliding it over to the right book case and climbing up four steps while roaming your hand over the top shelves, finally slipping out a book with a light blue spine.

You shot a glance down at him, gesturing to the book to see if you had picked up the correct one. He agreed.

“Since when do you buy boo-” Your foot caught up on the step, and in an instant, you fell off, finding yourself toppled over Jimin's body. “Books”.

Then, there was silence.

Jimin's looked straight into your eyes with a penetrating gaze. His eyes a warming brown colour, that of the richest chocolate, and his lips, a rozy blush, so fluffy and so... kissable.
Touching them felt like such a good idea at the moment.

That's exactly what Jimin was thinking aswell.

His lips pressed against yours, the pair of them locking together perfectly, moving so in synch as if attached to the most flawlessly tuned piano. Jimin bit your lip, and even though you were so attached in the kiss, your mind completely blank, that was when you detached from him with a sweet sensation on your lips.
It was also the brief space in time  when you realised what you had done.

You immediately picked yourself up from his body, dusting off your clothes. Jimin did the same.
You straightened up your back, spreading your arm out to give him his book. He bowed lightly as a thankyou, realising it from your grip.

You moved over to the counter, Jimin took out his money and payed for the book. With the spin of a heel, he was almost out of the store.

“Oh, and to answer your question” He paused, coming to a sudden halt. “I read alot, It's just I usually send Yoongi to get some books for me when he goes out, as he is an expert at this. He always picks the good ones and surprises me. You would know that if you ever came into my apartment”.

And with that, he simply left.

You stood there awkwardly, your mind still set on the kiss you had shared.

Why would he bring up his apartment when the exact thing he had done was shut you out?

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