Henry's Helper

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Henry has lived on the Island of Sodor for a very long time and he loves it very much. He also loves to work his hardest and show off his strength, as well as how helpful he can be to the North Western Railway. 

One day, Stepney was visiting Sodor to help out on Duck's branch line while Duck was being repaired. 

Henry greeted him warmly as he arrived. 

"Hello, Stepney, hope all is well on the Bluebell Railway," he said. 

"Hello, Henry. Indeed it is! Not too busy though, not as busy as it is on Sodor!" replied Stepney. 

Henry smiled and puffed on his way. He was called over at Knapford Station by the Fat Controller. 

(Percy, Diesel, Stanley and Philip can be seen. The Teacher and her family are also on the platform as well as one of Dowager Hatt's Friends.)

"I've just had a telegram from the ocean liner coming tonight, Henry," he said, "and it would seem that an extra large amount of fish has been caught. You might have more trucks than usual tonight with the Flying Kipper!" 

"No problem, sir. I will manage just fine," said Henry confidently. 

"Hmm, very well, Henry, but if you do need some help, don't hesitate to ask!" 

Henry whistled away and carried some flatbeds to collect some logs from the forest. 

Thomas had overheard Henry's conversation with the Fat Controller and met up with Oliver and Stepney at the junction as he pulled some trucks to Arlesburgh Harbour. 

(Toad can be seen at the back of Oliver's train.)

"Hello, Oliver and Stepney," he whistled. 

"Hello, Thomas," greeted Stepney. 

"Duck's at the Steamworks, so Stepney's helping out for a little while," said Oliver. 

"Henry might be needing some help tonight," said Thomas casually, "an extra order of fish has been ordered and extra vans will be coupled for his Flying Kipper train." 

"Does he now?" wondered Stepney. 

That same evening, Henry had left Vicarstown to go and collect the Flying Kipper train. 

(Rosie can be seen sleeping in the shed there.) 

He was keen to get the job done and have a good rest during the early hours of the morning. He knew he had a lot of work to do with the extra order. 

But when he arrived at Brendam Docks, he saw no extra vans and only his usual load. 

"Cranky, has the fishing boat been delayed?" he asked. 

(Carly and Big Mickey can also be seen.) 

"No, the boat made its deliveries, but that visiting engine, Stepney, took the extra vans with him. Said he was helping you out. I thought you already knew about this," replied Cranky. 

Henry was worried. 

"But Stepney has never taken a fish train before. He may not deliver the fish on the right route!" 

Henry quickly coupled up to his Flying Kipper vans and puffed strongly. He had to catch up with Stepney! 

Meanwhile, Stepney was puffing cheerfully along the line. He was sure Henry would catch up and would be extremely thankful for him being Really Useful by helping him pull the Flying Kipper. 

But what Stepney didn't realize was that he was going the wrong way. He was taking the Flying Kipper towards Knapford instead of towards Vicarstown and to the Mainland. He thought he just had to take some fish to every station that had a market town nearby. 

Henry was following his usual route and was hoping deeply that Stepney was following the same track. 

But by the time he made a delivery to Vicarstown, he was sure that Stepney was lost, and therefore so were the fish trucks he took. 

"Sir, have you seen Stepney come through with some fish trucks?" asked Henry to the Stationmaster. 

"No, sorry, Henry," replied the Stationmaster, "your Flying Kipper is all that has come through here except the evening Express." 

Henry knew this was not good. If the extra delivery for the Mainland was late or lost, the Fat Controller would be cross after receiving complaints. He remembered how he had to bring the post for Percy late once and it almost cost him and Thomas the post train services. 

"I must find Stepney!" 

Meanwhile, Stepney was having trouble of his own. The Knapford Stationmaster said that he was at the wrong station, but he also didn't know which stations needed the deliveries before reaching Vicarstown. 

Stepney was feeling more and more ashamed. 

"I should have asked Henry if I could help him," he said sadly, "then he could have shown me what to do." 

As Stepney rushed to the coastal run to find Henry at Vicarstown, he heard a whistle. 

He saw Emily and Rebecca. They were off the rails. 

"We were on the same track. Some faulty points made my train change lines just as Rebecca came around the corner!" groaned Emily. 

"Oh, dear," puffed Stepney. 

Then there was trouble. 

Henry's whistle could be heard. He was heading straight for Emily and Rebecca. 

"Oh no!" cried Rebecca. 

"Hold on!" 

Stepney rushed forward and whistled a distress toot. 


Henry heard the whistle, slowed down and when he saw Stepney, he applied his brakes, stopping just in time. 

"Phew!" wheeshed Stepney and Rebecca. 

"Well done, Stepney!" cheered Emily. 

"You saved us all from a worse crash!" said Henry proudly. 

Stepney felt very pleased. After that, he returned Henry's fish vans and then he fetched Rocky to rescue Emily and Rebecca. 

The Fat Controller was very pleased with Stepney's heroic actions. 

"Because you rescued Henry, Emily and Rebecca, I will forgive your mistakes with the Flying Kipper!" 

"Thank you, sir," said Stepney. 

"And thank you for being a Really Helpful Engine," added Henry. 

The two engines whistled cheerfully and steamed off to the sheds after a long night's work. 

(THE END! Mid-season finale completed!) 

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 6Where stories live. Discover now