Emily vs Rebecca

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The engines on the Island of Sodor all must work together as a team and a family to make the railway service running. They all try their best to work in harmony and be Really Useful together. 

(Ryan can be seen whistling politely to Skiff and Captain Joe. Stephen is seen letting Millie exit the Ulfstead Castle first. Paxton and Sidney are seen shunting happily together, and Cranky is seen guiding Carly's arm as she lowers a heavy crate.) 

One morning, the Fat Controller made an announcement. 

"The Black Loch run is opening for the summer. I need you, Emily, to take charge of it once again." 

"Yes, sir," said Emily excitedly, "I love that job. It's always nice to take holidaymakers to try and see the seals." 

"Very good!" smiled the Fat Controller. "The Express traffic will also be very busy today, so Gordon and Rebecca, please work your very hardest! As will all of you!" 

"Yes, sir," came the chorus of the Steam Team. 

When the Fat Controller left, Gordon chuckled. 

"Emily is only doing the Black Loch run because she can't handle important passenger trains like the Express. She once tried to be as good as me, you know," he said to Rebecca.

"Oh, really?" gasped Rebecca. "Did she do a good job?" 

"No, she ran out of water!" laughed Gordon. 

Rebecca giggled a little, but actually felt sorry for Emily after Gordon's teasing. But Emily saw the giggling as an insult. She huffed crossly. 

Later, Emily made a start on the Black Loch run, but she was still very cross with Gordon and Rebecca. 

"I am capable of doing important jobs, like taking the Express," she muttered, "I'm perfectly able!" 

But along the route, Emily was so busy complaining to herself that she didn't look where she was going. 

A rock had fallen from the cliff overhead and had landed on the rails. 

Emily didn't spot the rock until it was too late. She hit the rock and her front wheels jolted off the rails. 

"Ouch!" she cried. 

The passengers were stranded and cross. 

Some workers at the Black Loch castle arrived in boats to ferry the passengers over. Rocky lifted Emily's wheels back onto the line, but they were damaged, so James took her to the Steamworks for repair. But the Fat Controller was not very pleased. 

"I trusted you to do a good job, Emily," he said sternly, "if you make another mistake like that, I shall ask Rebecca to do your work while you pull flour trucks from the mill again!" 

"Not the Express, sir?" asked Emily hopefully. 

"No, if Gordon or Rebecca cannot pull the Express, the engine who is their substitute is Henry." 

Emily was very disappointed. She wanted to prove she was as good an engine as Rebecca. 

Emily was soon repaired, but she wasn't very happy to be running the Black Loch route anymore. Rebecca could see she looked sad. 

"Are you okay, Emily?" she asked. 

Emily sniffed. "I'm fine. I'm back in action and I'll show you that I AM a Really Useful Engine and that I can handle important trains!" 

Rebecca was puzzled. 

"But Emily, I wasn't trying to be mean to-" 

"Leave me alone to do my run," said Emily crossly, "don't you have an Express to take?" 

And Emily stormed away. 

Rebecca felt hurt. 

Emily worked more and more vigilantly for the rest of the day, but although her passengers were satisfied with her train, there was one important thing that Emily was not doing: she was not having as much fun as the passengers. Not even the cheerful sight of the seals brought a smile to her face. 

"Must be as good as Rebecca! Must be as good as Rebecca!" she repeated to herself. 

The following morning, Emily saw the Fat Controller and his grandchildren at the platform waiting for her train. 

"I would like you to take us to the Loch, please, Emily," he said cheerfully, "Stephen and Bridget wish to see the seals." 

"Yes, sir," said Emily excitedly. 

"Wow, Emily!" called Rebecca. "I've never taken the Fat Controller on a passenger ride before. That is a very important train indeed!"

Emily blushed. She was starting to feel a bit better. 

The day was a success for Emily. She took the train carefully without any more accidents and she got to enjoy watching Stephen and Bridget meeting the seals. 

"Grandad, they're so sweet!" cooed Bridget. 

"They're so cool!" added Stephen. 

"Well done, Emily," said the Fat Controller proudly, "the children love the seals!" 

Emily beamed and later at Tidmouth Sheds, she told the other engines all about her day out with the Fat Controller and his grandchildren. 

"Wish I could have seen their faces," said Thomas. 

"Me too," peeped Percy. 

Everyone was happy about the story. But Emily was even happier. Rebecca was glad that Emily didn't seem to be jealous or cross with her anymore. 

The next day, Emily was talking about the previous day with Philip and Paxton. 

(The Thin Clergyman can be seen on the platform.)

"I bet the children were very happy," said Philip. 

"I wish I could see some seals," added Paxton, "all I see usually is stone." 

Rebecca pulled up. 

"Um, Rebecca, um...I'm sorry that I was so rude to you. It's just that I felt upset when you laughed at me when Gordon told you about my mistakes with the Express." 

Rebecca gave a kind smile. 

"Think nothing of it, Emily," she said sweetly, "I should not have laughed with Gordon. I should have told him not to be mean to you." 

"I wish I didn't try to be as useful as you," continued Emily, "we should work as a team." 

"Yes, as part of the Steam Team!" 

Emily and Rebecca happily whistled together and then set off on their own routes, content with the knowledge that no matter what jobs they were doing, they were both doing their bit to make the Fat Controller's Railway a fine one. 

(The End!)

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 6Where stories live. Discover now