Smudger and the Trucks

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It was a busy day on the Thin Controller's Railway. 

The new line that led to the Mid-Sodor Railway was very successful since its grand opening. The Narrow Gauge Engines were all having a busy time running the line. The engine who loves working on the line more than anybody else is Smudger. 

Smudger had been left in the ruins of the original railway for many years. He finally was found when reconstruction began. He then tried to get his own back on Duke and the other Narrow Gauge Engines, but soon learned his lesson and then proved that he could be Really Useful after all. 

Now, Smudger helps run the line between both railways. He loves pulling coaches full of passengers, but he is still unsure about working with trucks, as his clumsiness with them and his lack of caring about it led to his being turned into a generator all those years ago. 

One day, Smudger was returning some coaches to the shed when Mr Quinn, the new Controller arrived. 

"Tomorrow, Smudger, Peter Sam and Sir Handel are coming to run the line. I have decided that you must spend the next week learning how to look after trucks again," he said grandly. 

"B-b-but, sir," gasped Smudger, "I'm no g-good with trucks!" 

"So I've heard," said Mr Quinn, "but I have the perfect teacher on the Thin Controller's Railway willing to teach you how to not cause any 'few spills.'" 

"Dukey?" asked Smudger. 

"Indeed so," said Mr Quinn, "and when Sir Handel and Peter Sam arrive in the morning, you can go and help Duke shunt in the Transfer Yards." 

Smudger gulped, but only replied, "Yes, sir." 

The next day, Peter Sam was coupled to the first train, with passengers that Talyllyn had brought from the Mainland. Sir Handel was to follow with some more an hour later. 

Smudger begrudgingly left the Mid-Sodor Railway behind and went to the Thin Controller's Railway to meet Duke at the Transfer Yards. 

Duke was waiting patiently when Smudger arrived. 

"Hello, scallywag," said Duke calmly, "you ready to get back in front of the scamps?" 

"I suppose so, Dukey," said Smudger doubtfully. 

"It isn't any trouble, if you know how to keep trucks in order. If they biff you around and make you do what you don't want to do, remind yourself that that would never suit His Grace!" 

Smudger rolled his eyes. Listening to Duke talking about His Grace was something he had been very used to in the past. 

"Let's see them try," giggled some of the Troublesome Trucks, "those two can't boss us about! We'll have them off the rails in no time!" 

But Duke soon showed Smudger that the trucks couldn't take him off the rails. Whenever they biffed Duke, he biffed right back, whistled deeply and ordered them to settle down or he would drag them off to the nearest scrap siding. 

That settled the trucks down immensely, but they still saw a target in Smudger. 

"I've arranged all of my trucks into their proper places. Now it's your turn to sort out this line here," said Duke with authority. 

Smudger edged nervously forward. 

"Don't show those trucks any fear," warned Duke, "they can sense that and use it against you to try and take you off the rails!" 

This didn't soothe Smudger one bit. 

He buffered up to the first truck and began to shunt it into the others. The first few trucks surprisingly worked well with Smudger, but then when he had five trucks, they biffed up against him. 

"On, on, on!" they clattered. 

"Oh no!" 

Smudger quickly put on his brakes, then backed away from the trucks. 

Duke rolled over to him. 

"I know you think taking trucks will make you not Really Useful, but you must try, young'un," he encouraged, "you're a changed engine since we first met. You can prove these trucks that you are an engine to be reckoned with!" 

Smudger felt very pleased with Duke's faith in him. He hadn't been as trusting as he was now all those years ago. He suddenly felt like he could do anything. 

And anything he did! 

With Duke's guidance, Smudger spent the next few days shunting trucks into place, keeping them in order. By the end of the week, Smudger was not only an excellent shunter, but he was also good at controlling trucks and never had an accident. 

Duke was very proud. 

"Well done, Smudger!" 

"Yes, well done," said the Thin Controller, "you have shown you are Really Useful all this week. Now you can go and prove to Mr Quinn how well you have learned!" 

"Thank you, sir," said Smudger, "and thank you, Dukey!" 

He puffed happily away. 

"Impudent scallywag," mumbled Duke humorously. 

Smudger travelled back to the Mid-Sodor Railway, but then he heard a warning whistle. 

"Someone's in trouble!" he gasped. 

Just then, some Troublesome Trucks came whizzing down the hill. They were on a runaway. Sir Handel was out of breath behind them. 

"They came loose," he panted. 

"I'll stop them!" declared Smudger. 

The chase was on and Smudger puffed after the trucks as fast as he could. Then he heard another whistle. Peter Sam was coming up with some passengers on the same line. 

Smudger quickly changed onto the same track as the trucks and let them biff into him. 

"I'll show you!" he cried and put his brakes on. 

He slowly brought the trucks to a stop and biffed them hard to show them he was in charge. 

He was just in time! 

Peter Sam slowed to a stop just before Smudger. 

"Woah! That was a near thing!" 

Smudger smiled as Peter Sam and Sir Handel whistled three cheers. 

The Thin Controller, Mr Quinn and Duke were very pleased. 

"Well done, Smudger," said Mr Quinn. 

"You're not only a Really Useful Engine, but a hero too!" declared the Thin Controller. 

"Again!" reminded Duke. 

From that day on, Smudger never had trouble with coaches or trucks and he runs his line very well. 

"Good shunting there, Smudger!" called Skarloey. 

"Thanks!" called Smudger proudly. 

(The End!)

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 6Where stories live. Discover now