What Edward Did Next

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Edward is a very wise, old, mixed-traffic engine. He likes to help his friends in any way he can. But he can sometimes get tired out easily as he is one of the oldest engines on the Island. 

(He can be seen stopping for a rest whilst BoCo passes by.)

One day, Edward was shunting at Wellsworth when James came in with some passengers. 

(These passengers include the Teacher and the GRS Judge.) 

"Shunting again, Edward? Have you pulled any passengers lately?" 

"No, been busy with the freight traffic," replied Edward. 

"Maybe you're just too tired to pull important trains," teased James, "maybe you should stick to shunting and not overtire yourself." 

James chuckled as he steamed off. 

Edward was most indignant. 

"Too tired indeed!" he huffed. 

Later, Edward met Percy with the mail train. 

"Hello, Percy," he said kindly, "how's the mail run today?" 

"Oh, there's so much of it, Edward," wheeshed Percy tiredly, "I've been busy since late last night!" 

"Why don't you go and have a rest, Percy?" suggested Edward. "I'll take the rest of the mail for you." 

"Are you sure, Edward?" asked Percy. 

"Of course! I did it once before and you told me how to do it." 

"Thank you, Edward," smiled Percy, and he puffed away. 

Edward coupled up to the mail trucks and set off on Percy's route. 

Edward made good progress. His last delivery was at Tidmouth Station. 

"Thank you, Edward," puffed Oliver. 

"You look tired out, Oliver," said Edward. 

"I am. These trucks have been very troublesome." 

"I'll take them for you. Are they to go to the Docks?" 

"Yes, and are you sure?" asked Oliver. 

"Of course I am," promised Edward. 

Edward wanted to show James that he could do any amount of work without getting tired out. 

"Thank you, Edward," said Oliver, puffing away. 

Edward was soon able to put the trucks in order, and they behaved. But their mischievous behaviour before that did tire the old engine out a little. But eventually, he arrived at Brendam Docks with no further delay. 

"Have you seen Mavis, Edward?" asked Cranky. 

"No. Why?" asked Edward. 

"She should have brought some stone for me to load onto this ship, but she hasn't arrived yet," answered Carly. 

"I'll go and see what's wrong," said Edward. 

Edward was very tired by the time he reached the Quarry. He found that Mavis had overheated. Nia was going to take her to the Dieselworks whilst Thomas took charge in the Quarry for the rest of the day. 

"Hello, Edward," they all said. 

"Could you please take these trucks to the Docks, Edward?" asked Mavis. 

"They're very late," added Thomas. 

"I know," said Edward, "that's why I came. Cranky and Carly are worried." 

So Edward left the Quarry with the heavy stone trucks. 

He was very worn out and he was getting very red in the face, but he kept on going to help his friends and to prove to everyone that he was not a tired-out old engine who was good for nothing but shunting. 

Eventually, he arrived at the Docks. He dropped off the trucks. 

"Thank you, Edward," called Carly, "you're such a helpful engine!" 

"And very useful," added Cranky. 

Edward was very tired but gave a whistle of thanks as he left. He travelled back up his branch line to return to Wellsworth and have a long drink to cool himself down. 

But Edward soon found out that he was not going to be allowed such a rest. The Stationmaster was waiting for him upon his arrival. 

"Arthur is stuck on Gordon's Hill. His trucks are holding him back. He needs you to give him a push." 

Edward wheezed. 

"Yes, sir. I'm on my way!" 

Edward found Arthur halfway up the hill. His being stuck was also delaying Flynn who was out on an emergency but found Arthur in his way. He had to go back and change tracks. 

"Best of luck, Edward," he said as he left. 

Edward could barely reply. His wheels and axles ached. 

"Ready, Arthur?" 

"Ready, Edward!" 

The two engines heaved and pushed and pushed and heaved to get the Troublesome Trucks up and over the hill. At last, they managed it. 

"Thank you, Edward!" called Arthur happily as he ran down the hill. 

Edward wheezed a "You're welcome" and slowly slunk back down the hill. James approached from the other side of the hill with some more passengers. He could see how tired Edward was looking and laughed. 

"What a sight you are, Edward!" he teased. 

"I've been very busy all day, I'll have you know!" fumed Edward. 

James just cackled and puffed onwards. But then there was trouble. 

As James entered the station, he began to hiss harshly and he groaned. 

"Oh no! My safety valve!" 

James had burst his safety valve and was now stranded in Wellsworth. 

"How am I going to deliver my passengers now?!" he groaned. 

Edward puffed slowly in. 

"Oh dear, James," he said, "feeling tired, are we? Guess you and me are two peas in a pod!" 

James pretended that he hadn't heard. 

"We live and learn," said Edward in a kinder voice. 

The Stationmaster called for help. 

Henry arrived to take James' passengers and Edward, despite feeling tired, volunteered to push James to the Steamworks. Once he filled up with coal and water, Edward was ready. 

"You're so kind, Edward," said Henry, "not many engines would help an engine who teased them like you are." 

Edward smiled. 

"Any engine in need is an engine I will help," he said. 

James could see how hard Edward was working despite his aches and pains. 

"I'm sorry, Edward, for being so rude to you. You are a very hardworking and very useful engine and a good friend." 

"Anytime, James, anytime." 

At the Steamworks, James was soon being repaired. 

(Kevin is zooming to fetch a new valve.) 

"You'd better stay too, Edward," said Victor, "so we can give your worn parts a check-over." 

"Thank you, Victor," smiled Edward, "it'll be lovely to finally have a little rest." 

(The End!)

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