Temperance and Some Quiet

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(Based on an idea by serena-harper.) 

It was an exciting day for the engines of Sodor! 

Diana the Royal Engine was visiting the Island once again. Edward was the most excited of all. He couldn't wait to tell her all the things he had been up to since her last visit, such as living at Wellsworth or teaching Bill and Ben a new lesson. 

Edward was good friends with Diana, but then again, he was good friends with everybody. There was Thomas, the cheeky little engine who wanted to see the world...then there was James, who looked very much like Edward in shape. And there was also Trevor the Traction Engine, who he had helped save from scrap. 

But Diana was the friend that Edward didn't get to see very often and so he was very protective of their friendship. 

Diana soon arrived on Sodor and Edward met her at the coaling depot. 

"I hoped to see you shortly upon your arrival, Diana," he said happily. 

"It's good to see you again, Edward," replied Diana kindly. 

"Hey, Edward, Diana! What do you get when you cross coal with a sneeze?" asked Charlie. 

"I don't know," they replied in unison. 

"A bad coal-d!" laughed Charlie. 

Edward and Diana laughed too. But then there was trouble. 

As Diana laughed, she didn't watch where she was going. She rolled under a hopper and the coal poured over her paintwork and down her funnel. She was coughing and wheezing and dirty. 

"Are you alright, Diana?!" asked Edward in a panic. 

Diana couldn't reply. She was coughing so badly with a blocked funnel, that she couldn't speak. 

"I'll get you to the Steamworks!" cried Edward. "You and your jokes cause nothing but trouble, Charlie!" 

Charlie was surprised at Edward's snappy manner. It wasn't like Edward at all. 

Victor and Kevin soon saw that Diana was ill, with coal stuck in her funnel. 

"Don't worry, my friend, we will clean out your funnel in no time," promised Victor. 

"Make sure Kevin doesn't cause her any more trouble, Victor!" huffed Edward. 

Victor and Kevin were surprised, the latter felt a little hurt. 

Diana looked worried but couldn't say anything as she was still coughing dreadfully. 

Edward puffed away. He had to take some trucks for Bill and Ben at the China Clay Pits. But he was still upset about what had happened to Diana. 

Everybody he passed ended up feeling hurt and surprised by Edward's rude and grumpy behaviour. 

On the way to the Clay Pits, he had to help Gordon up the hill and was more grumpy than ever. 

"Why can't you get up your own hill, Gordon? You're just so lazy sometimes!" 

Gordon was furious. 

"Oh the indignity!" 

Then he was rude to James. 

"Diana wouldn't ever boast as much as you do, James!" he grumbled. "And she's a Royal engine!" 

"Hmph!" huffed James. 

Edward was so cross that he didn't even get worried about encountering Diesel 10 on his way. 

"I hear your royal friend had a royally painful accident, little steamie," sneered Diesel 10. 

"She did indeed," retorted Edward, "but at least she's not a royal pain like you and that Pinchy friend of yours!" 

Diesel 10 spluttered in surprise. Edward was normally the sort of engine who would want to bring peace to arguments, but he reacted even more angrily than he had expected...for Edward. 

Later, Edward arrived at the Clay Pits. Bill, Ben, Timothy and Marion were working there. Thomas was also there with Annie and Clarabel. They were bringing some visitors to tour the area. 

"Hello, Edward," greeted Thomas pleasantly. 

"Oh, yes! Hello, Edward!" mimicked Bill. 

"A splendid day, what?" added Ben poshly. 

"Be QUIET, you two!" snapped Edward. 

Bill and Ben were in shock. So was Thomas. They had never heard Edward talk so harshly before. He was still cross about what had happened to Diana, and he was so worried about her being unwell, that he wasn't acting like his usual friendly self. He wanted to look after Diana, but was having to work instead. 

He missed his friend and felt more and more upset and cross. 

Thomas could see something was wrong, but soon had to leave the Clay Pits. 

On his way back to Knapford, he passed the Steamworks and saw Diana puffing out looking as good as new. 

"Hello, Diana!" called Thomas. "I didn't know you needed to go to the Steamworks." 

"I had an accident at the coaling plant. Edward was most upset," said Diana. 

"You can say that again," puffed Thomas. "Edward's been very cross and rude to the other engines. He must be really worried about you to be this un-Edward." 

"I'll need to speak with him," decided Diana, "and show him that there's no need to be so cross and upset." 

Thomas and Diana soon found Edward sat in a siding. He was looking ashamed and upset. 

"Edward, are you alright?" asked Diana. 

"I got so carried away with my anger over what happened, Diana," said Edward sadly, "I'm normally more sensible than this, but I don't often see you and when your visit got disrupted by that accident...I just wanted someone to blame." 

"I understand, Edward," said Diana kindly, "I miss you too when I'm back on the Mainland, despite my adventures there. But getting angry with your friends never helps. You now have a lot of apologies to deliver. But don't worry, I'll come with you, to make up for lost time." 

That made Edward feel better. 

He first apologised to a happier Thomas, then to Bill and Ben...then to James...then to Gordon...and Charlie....and even Diesel 10! 

And Diesel 10 even, very slightly, smiled. 

For the rest of Diana's visit, Edward was back to his normal self. But that might have been because he had one of his dearest friends by his side again! 

(The End!)

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 6Where stories live. Discover now