Thomas in the Nick

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Thomas loves working on his branch line and he tries to be friends with anybody he can, even the diesels, provided that they are friendly to him too. 

(He passes Diesel, who just grunts at him.)

But there are those who are not as keen to be friendly to Thomas. 

One day, Thomas was working with Bill and Ben at the Clay Pits. He had to take some of the clay to the Docks. The line from the Clay Pits to the Docks was closed for some repair, so he had to follow the line where Toby mostly works to get there. 

"Hope you can do the job quick enough, Thomas," smirked Bill. 

"Wouldn't want you to be as late as we sometimes can be," teased Ben. 

"I'll be just fine, you two," chuckled Thomas, rolling his eyes. 

Thomas went along the line which Toby worked on. It was an open line where roads and pavements followed it along. 

Toby was trundling along it with some empty trucks when he saw Thomas. 

"Hello, Thomas," he said, "please take care on this line." 

"Why, Toby?" asked Thomas. 

"This line is near the road and paths. You must be careful of any stray cars, people and animals that may be too close to the line." 

"Oh, I remember that rule only too well," said Thomas, remembering when Toby first came to Sodor. 

Thomas had gotten into trouble with a policeman for running on public roads without cowcatchers or side plates to protect anyone from being dragged under his wheels if they went on the line. It was then that Toby was brought to Sodor to help with the goods traffic along that line. 

"As long as you do remember, Thomas," said Toby cheerfully. 

With a ring of his bell, Toby was gone. 

Thomas continued on his way. But further down the line, he heard a whistle. It wasn't an engine's whistle. It belonged to, of all people, a policeman! 


Thomas didn't like where this halt was going, but he had no choice. He slowly and gently put his brakes on and stopped. 

The policeman approached. 

"Thomas the Tank Engine, you possess no cowcatchers and no side plates like Toby. You should not be travelling on this line where the public are more at risk from railway engines such as yourself!" 

"I'm-I'm sorry, officer," stuttered Thomas, "It's j-just that the line from the Clay Pits to Brendam Docks is closed for repairs. I had to take this route or my delivery will be late." 

"So being on time is more important to you than being safe?" asked the policeman severely.

Thomas sighed. He had made this mistake of thinking of promptness instead of safety once before and now he realized he was making it again. 

"I expect you to be off this line in all haste. You can ask Toby or Flora to do your work. I will contact Sir Topham Hatt about this matter!" 

The policeman had spoken. Thomas couldn't finish his job and he sadly reversed back the way he came. 

Flora was happy to help do Thomas' work and she set off as quickly as she could. 

Thomas puffed sadly back to Knapford Station, where he knew the Fat Controller would be waiting for him. 

(Stephen Hatt and the Welsh Bird Watcher can be seen on the platform.) 

The Fat Controller was sympathetic. 

"I understand how you must feel, Thomas," he said, "bother these policemen! Saying what I can and cannot do on my railway! But safety is important, and now that Flora is doing your work, we must now settle on what you can do for the rest of the day." 

He paused and considered. 

"I think you could work with Donald and Douglas for now, Thomas. They are taking a heavy goods train to Vicarstown later today. You can shunt the trucks for them at Arlesburgh." 

"Yes, sir," said Thomas sadly. 

Thomas went to shunt the trucks. He was not happy that he had gotten himself into trouble with the police yet again. He imagined himself in a special shed prison for breaking too many laws. It did not make him feel any better. 

"Och, what a poor wee engine," murmured Donald. 

"He dinnae seem too pleased, tha's fer sure," whispered Douglas. 

The twins tried everything to cheer Thomas up, but it was no use. 

Eventually, they gave up and steamed away. 

"Ye should 'ave tried harder!" snapped Donald. 

"I did!" retorted Douglas. 


"Did too!" 



Then they suddenly heard laughing. It was Thomas! 

"You two really do know how to cheer an engine up!"

Donald and Douglas were puzzled, but pleased to see that Thomas was feeling better about things. 

Later, Thomas returned home and found Toby there. He had heard about what happened to Thomas from Flora. 

"Are you alright, Thomas?" he asked. 

"I feel a bit better," answered Thomas. 

Just then, the Fat Controller arrived with the policeman. 

"This officer has something to say, Thomas," said the Fat Controller sternly. 

Thomas was worried. Was he going to be sent to engine prison? 

But the policeman smiled. 

"I'm sorry if I addressed you a little too severely, Thomas," he said, "I was having a bad morning and missed my breakfast. Working without food makes me very grumpy. And although you had violated an important law, I understand you were only trying to be Really Useful." 

Thomas felt very relieved. 

"I'm sorry too, officer. I won't run on that line anymore." 

"Jolly good show," said the policeman cheerfully, "then that's settled! Best be off! Or I'll be late for my tea too!" 

Thomas, Toby and the Fat Controller smiled warmly to each other. 

From that day on, Thomas never took that route again as promised and whenever he saw the policeman on duty, he gave him a friendly whistle. And the policeman would give Thomas a friendly ring of his bicycle bell in return.

(The End!)

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 6Where stories live. Discover now