Steady Patience

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I got extreme patience for waiting for things to work, but sometimes I wonder if the things I'm waiting for are really going to happen?
I question everyday if I'll get the chance to show myself off to someone and make them smile as much as possible. It's honestly my only wish in life right now that seems like an actual possibility. Sometimes I wonder if there was something else I could do so that things could go into my direction. I know some will say no I'm perfect how I am but that's just the perception of who I am. I'm imperfectly perfect but the mistakes I've made are probably the reason that things aren't changing. And it's not directly towards like a single person or anything but I just feel this reach in my fingertips that seem to be there but I can't even feel that or grasp onto it.

I'm like any other person you know, I like to feel loved and go on dates to the movies or just lay in bed cuddling to awful movies we find on the tv. I've been single for a long time, as my own choice, because I felt that I might possibly end up with the one. Yeah I've seen other girls and tried dating and shit but it's just weird that it's always someone else on my mind. And I don't know if it's really worth the wait because I don't know if they feel the same way back. I wish I knew exactly. Love is a fragile thing. It also confusing. Sometimes people only know the love their parents gave or showed them. My parents were never together for much time when I was younger, they split young. My father showed me how to love physically and that's not how I plan to love.
I guess the way I'd show is to let her know that I'm going to do anything I can to make sure she's happy. I can't promise the expensive items in the world but you know Love isn't about material things, it's about the trust you put into the other one knowing that you two love each other more and more. I hope the time spent waiting is worth it in the end. And I hope that I turn out to be what she needed.

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