Feeling Love?

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Onto finding recent posts, I've scavenged to find an outward looking onto bettering myself. I moved from my hometown, to a whole new state, got a really good job, and a place to call my own. I am now a chef, which is weird to hear someone call me chef, haha it's kinda cool. In the midst of this I've also entered back into the dating world because I knew the one I wanted to be with would never be with me, so I had to get that idea out of my mind and make sure that I'm not looking for someone just to fill this empty void I have going on. I've been talking to this girl for about 2 months, went on a couple dates, and had our first kiss in a Walmart parking lot. Cute, I know, great place for a first kiss.  But everyday we tell each other good morning, ask about work and how our days are, plan to do things, get to find our interests and hates, and say goodnight to each other. Sometimes I fall asleep on her but she understands because I work so early. I like that she doesn't get mad at me for little things, yet. She's expressed to me how much her ex did that she didn't like and everyday I tell her I don't plan on doing anything to hurt her, just want to see her happy and smiling. I call her beautiful, pretty, make cute little jokes about her to her, and so many other dorky little things. And she loves it! Like I can't explain how much happier I wake up and excited I finally get seeing someone's name in my phone. She's so beautiful, listens to the same music, has common interests of activities we do in our free time, and just outright has the perfect aura being around. She's really shy so I tend to lead into things and comfort her in public so she knows I really care about her. I get this weird feeling being around her that I can't explain, but it's a good feeling.  I think I'm actually falling in love, like a genuine love. I don't think I could have picked someone better. She's already head over heels for me just as I am to her, and we've talked about the future on what we're looking for and having kids and all of that adult stuff. Like i don't know man I think I truly might have found the one, I know it's early to tell but everything just seems to be coasting by. I can't wait to see what lies ahead, I'm happy with how things are going in my life and I can't wait to see what lies ahead from now on ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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