Nice Guy

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Why is it that nice guys finish last?
Why can't we get what the other guys have?
The girl we try to get, the love we deserve as well, the time from someone's day to get a response?
Is it all about the douche who'll treat you like you're just another girl under his belt?
I know we weren't perfect, but I guess I thought we would be worth it.

Nice dude who's broken on the inside
The shy girl, who's hurt on the inside.
Too many times you say you're not worth it
Too many times you say you're not perfect.
Nobody's perfect. Not even me. And you know this.
The last time we hung I got you a pack of smokes with the last $10 I had. Bet you didn't know that. I made it seem like it was no big deal, because I would spend my last dollar on you if it meant you had the things you needed to help get you to smile.
I didn't eat for 4 days after that. I had no money for anything. The last couple of dollars I had was to put in my gas to get back home to be close to you again. Because I was an hour away, 70 miles. Which isn't much, but the last time I was that far away we drifted and I didn't want that to happen. But it seems you got someone else to replace me. You blocked me on all social media for no reason, trying to think I'd forget you? You're making it seem like you want me to completely forget about you. The countless nights I'd stay up to make sure you were okay. The same nights I saw you smiling and not hurting yourself more than you already have. You make it seem like what we have was nothing and that you're nothing. You make it seem like you're the bad guy, which in fact I am. Have been. For over 5 years. Because I brought your hopes down about me.
I try to be a nice guy but it's always us that gets fucked over in every situation when all we want is to have someone who'll fucking stay with us for once no matter how hard it may seem.
I guess I'm just too much.
Or maybe I'm not enough, for you.

Nice guys get treated like shit
Nice guys get nothing in this world
Nice guys are screwed over

So I guess it's time for me to be an asshole. And just treat everyone else like shit. Show them how the world actually is rather than giving them that tiny moment of the day where they're smiling and happy. And it all started with a random stranger.
And I don't want a response saying don't do that, I want a response from you deep down inside on what's going on. You act like I don't have any way of someone that you would never guess tell me about you. It's just the fact that the person I did the most for decides it's easy to just throw someone away like nothing. Kinda like how her old friends did to her. Making her seem like she's nothing. And that all she does is damage people. When really all she sees is the negativity in everything. Yeah you may be happy, and I'm happy for you, but from what I've been hearing I know you could be happier. And no, I'm not saying by being with me. Because I know that'll never happen anymore in your eyes. It sucks though man, your grandpa seemed to like me a lot. I feel like I'd be the second person they'd like that you brought yo them.
I hope life's treating you well.
I hope he's treating you well.
Keep throwing those coins down the wishing well.

My mistake Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon