Trial and Error

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So I guess it's dumb to even think I'd get into a relationship. I go for someone cause she randomly wanted to be in one and I agreed upon it. A few days go by and she just wants to postpone it and wants me to wait for her. Which is confusing cause like it was her choice first. But I'm tired of waiting on people and them expecting me to wait. Idk I'm in a really sad mood cause I'm not someone people want to date. I'm not perfect nor do I intend to be. But I'm just tired of people doing these things to me. I'm becoming less and less motivated to do anything when people can act like they wanna be more than friends then Do this. I just wanna build with someone and make them happy.

I've already waited on someone else for so long. Maybe this is a sign. I have no idea. I just wish I could get some answers.

It's also hitting me I won't be able to see some of my coworkers anymore that I got close too with my new job. I've just been in a sad mood today and just wanted to post a little something real quick privately where no one will really see this besides the 2 people who always read my stuff.

I wish I could see some of my old friends and someone who used to be really close to me that I don't get to see anymore. I hope you're doing good 😔 I miss you so much man.

Anyways i don't know how to end this story cause I just wanted to ramble but I'm so depressed and wish someone could just give me a hug or something and tell me things will be alright in person. I've isolated myself so much that I'm so tired and weak all the time.

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