You're just a Corporate Relationship

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Ain't never gonna tell another girl that I love her
Ain't ever gonna tell her that I want her
Ain't ever gonna give her pieces of my heart that I gave to others as an offer.
Ain't even going to acknowledge that I like her or maybe even thought of her

I'm tired and weak and just feel defeat 
And I just want to stop beating my meat (lol wow)
And just wanna shake these tiring feelings of me not wanting to eat

Knowing you get mad at the things that I say or the things that I do
But originally I only wanted to be with you.
Then you showed me that in order to have you I must not show that I like you. I need to seem uninterested.
This other girl blocks me on all social media and you come into my life so I thought it was a sign. She was making me think that's something I did was my fault. She says it wasn't but I'm not sure to believe her or wonder if I'm lying to myself.

Lost my job over taking a day off for my step mom, she had breast cancer and brittle bones and lymph nodes and died the day after I got fired. Guess big corporates only care when you're making them money cause otherwise they don't give two shits about you. Same as the girls I've talked to I guess, they don't seem interested in me until I offer to buy them something to please. That's why all everybody is is a corporate relationship.

"They tell me I'm perfect and never change but perfect is something I'll never say cause perfect to me is more than the eyes that they claim."  The only time someone hears from me is when I finally talk to somebody cause I leave everybody on read for hours on end and don't even care nor think what they think in their head. I don't really feel bad cause everybody treats me like I'm a nobody, so why get mad that I treat you the way I feel towards you? I'm only returning what you tried giving me and I don't want anything you got, cause you'll hold it down on me until I give something in return. That's why y'all stay being in a corporate relationship.

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