3 a.m.

30 0 0

Another night I'm wide awake
Can barely give what I take
Wondering what I did was for good
Or if it meant I turned fake.
Wondering if I'm still on your mind
Deep inside is where you'll find
All the things I keep locked away
Begging that you'll wanna stay
But it was my fault, they were my mistakes
And right now I'm about to break.
I need you now more than ever
Cause right now my soul is growing heavier.
Wondering what crosses your mind when you see my name
Hoping it's what we had, and it can stay the same.
A lot of pointless rhymes, and no real meaning
But when I think of you, I can't stop dreaming.
Dreaming of us, what we could've been
Now I cannot stop to think, when?
Thousands of things that can brighten my day
But thinking of you and your face is the only way
Typing random words to fill in the space
But hoping one day, to never not see your face.
My heart is weak, and it keeps gettin weaker
But can I hold the key, and be your keeper?
I'm not much of a poet, nor do I plan to be
But maybe one day, we'll wait and see.
Currently 3 in the morning and I'm feelin depressed
I just got to say, I'm feelin stressed
Cause you're always racing through my head
Hopefully you can read, between the words that I said.
Look into my eyes and see into my heart,
And to hope one day, we'll never be apart.

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