kuro x reader

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(A/n) so this was requested by Shizumi_Yamamoto

I hope you like it

I made some slight changes to the character that it felt more inclusif to other readers I hope you dont mind

So (y/n) is a small (A/n) (animal of choice dont worry nothing exept that is going to change )

(Your pov)

I was walking behind 2 dudes one of them was pretty plane looking while the other was the most exhausted person I'd seen in a while. They didn't seem to knowdes me because i was so small and probably because it was past midnight and the only thing that was iluminading the streats where somme shitty streatlights and the full moon.

You kept following them untill they came to a abruped halt. You crashed into the boring looking guy.

"How long do you plan on following us little (A/n) are you lost?" The boring guy asked picking you up and patting your head softly. "Mahiru i dont want to share my bed with this little shit." The sleepy one said.

Jep this guy treasurs every second of sleep he has ever gotten. You thought.

"Hey kuro dont be so mean maybe its just lost 1 night wont hurt?" Mahiru said while begining to walk again.

After a while of kuro nagging and walking we arrived at a small complex. It seemd pretty nice so you where sure you won't stay the night in a poor houshold. We went inside and set you down. Imidiatly you starded to explore the rooms to make sure you had an escape when it was needed.

After you where donne you made your way inside the living room. But you saw another animal a cat but on your tour you didn't see any other nor did you smell another animal when you came in. Then it downd on ya this was the kuro guy

"Hey what are you " you asked the cat lookalike.

"Ugh what a pain you sure are demanding ." He said while turning away.

What in the hell. You thought as you looked at mahiru who looked beat that you talked to. "Are you going to eat everything in my fridge aswell." He sweat dropped.

"Well not exactly but i would like to stay if that isn't a problem." You asked while putting your paws up at your best cutsie face.

"Fine but are you a servamp aswell and can you transform?" He asked while giving you a collar .

"Well i dont quite know what i am but im sure as hell not imortal like the servamps are so i think not. With the transforming tho ....i rather not." You said while turning away from the males that where in the room.

"Why not?" Mahiru asked with curiosety.

" I havent transformed in a long time i don't know what i would look like." You said

"I wont judge and kuro won't do that ether. Am i right kuro." He said in a demanding tone but kuro just responded with a whatever and started sleeping again.

"Ok here goes " you said as you brased yourself to transform

You finished and waited for the light smocke to fade away.

You still sat on the floor but the perspective was taller than it used to be. " uhm tada ?" You said trying to het up.

The both of them looked with wide eyes
As you finaly stood up. Mahiru talked about how you didnt have to be scared in the first place and you all had a nice evening kuro even found it in his heart to share his lil cat bed with you.

A few weeks went by and you met mahirus friends and ...not so much friends also somme of kuro's siblings somme where nice somme not.

You grew to love the two guys but in difrent ways. Mahiru grew to be like a brother to you but kuro on the other hand grew to be a difrent kind of intrest you both had a conection you couldn't quite understand.


"Hey (y/n) do you love my brother ?" Lilly asked out of the blue. It shocked you quiet a bit because you couldn't find an answer to his question.

Was that conection love and if it was was it a mutual one did kuro feel the same?

"Lilly discribe it to me. What does it feel like ? " this question of mine shocked the thin man. " dont tell me you never loved someone well let me tell you all about it sweetheart." You regreted asking because it turned into a lecture and then in some weird demonstrations. Lets just say his clothes often when of his shoulders because he had gotten way into it.

But from what you heard him tell the feling in your whole body was indeed and the feling of wanting to be held was to obvious to get ignored now.

You went home to find the sleepy cat you grew to love and ask him what he felt about you too. When you arived you saw mahiru leave the house do do wahtever. So you where not to be disturbed.

(....not nasty 😑)

You went inside and saw kuro infront of the tv but this time sleeping. He probably fell asleep you thought to yourself as you aproched the vampired cat.

It seemed that you when with a bit to much enthusiasm bc the vampire pinned you to the ground in defense and was about to strike you fatally.

"KURO WTF." You yelled as he snapped out and saw it was you. " why did you sneak up on me I could of killed you?" He asked in his usual tone.

"Because I wanted to tell you something." You said loking away trying to find the words that needed to be said.

"I think i love you"

Where thr words you chose.

(Wow so original author chan 😑)

You guys stayed in the awkward position as he slowly leans down to you and captured your lips in a sweet but rough embrace as if he wanted you to say those words for so long and longed for them to be spoken.

"I love you too (y/n)." He said looking in your eyes with a loving expresion you wanted to see every day.

(Extra )

" Hey im home- ......" And the door flew shut again


So ....this was to long for my comfort to make im sooo sorry you had to wait so long Shizumi_Yamamoto but i hope its not too crappy

Sorry but that cosplayer of him ❤🤤

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