jeaha x wife reader

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This plays on the pirate arc. Yona and the others just arrived

This story was requested byloryMidNight  txs for giving me this request I hope you liked it

(Your POV)

I was hanging ou the laundry of the crew on a nearby cliff as I remembered the good old days....well as good as they can be with the current ruler. He was crual and plain out disgusting

(Oehhh first flashback NOICE)

"JEAHAAA!" I jelled at him from the boat as he came flying at me.
"Could you please get me some flowers for the big day tomorrow ?" I asked while staring into his droopy purple eyes ( HE HAS PURPLE EYES I LOOKED IT UP SEE HOW DEVOTED I AM )

He jumped of the ship railing and into my arms " I would do anything for my future wife ." he smiled down at me. After a short while we let go of each other and said our goodbyes as he jumped into the distance to get the supply's for the wedding. 'How I love that goof ' I thought to myself smiling at the sky where he was just a few minutes ago .

(End flashback )

I smiled at the memory as I looked down to the ship where he was ......with that woman. My smile faded as I continued doing my work

(Time skipu to after she came back from the cliff )

I head laughing. It seems the whole crew liked the new girl. I walked up to the circle and tried to see what was happening but no one even knew I was there.

I walked around the ship seeing what I could do when I saw a green flash turning the corner. I ran after it and saw jeaha " hey hunny  what was going on there in that crowd a while ago ?" I asked

"Ow yona put on the dress for the mission she looked really nice in it and after that the white dragon put this hideous dress on and looked funny as hell." He said while laughing

"What mission ?" I asked

" explains that yona and yun  are going in the ship as bait( idk but you know the plan if you watched the show) ." he explained .

" I can go too you know I'm a good fighter !" I jell enthusiastic .

"Your not the kind of girl for that mission." He patted my head like a child and walked past me without a second glance or word .

What was that all about does he think I'm that weak . I turned around seeing him walking to yona again. she was wearing one of my favourite dresses. I was confused but mostly angry i just didn't understand what made her better over me she has never once in her life donne such things but she gets chosen to save the woman and girls that are missing. It just didnt make sence.

(After yona and yun are in this ....prison chamber )

Its been a day since yona and yun are gone and jeaha is only  talking about her and her safty. yona this . yona that. Only thing on his mind was yona. I could understand it was an important mission but didnt he have so much faith in her? Meanwhile he didn't even talk or look at me. I decided I had enough of it and confronted him about it.

" jeaha we need to talk ." I said

" not now " he shooed me away .

" JEAHA THIS IS IMPORTANT!" I jelled at him

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